
Hi #LateNightWrite. I'm Morgan and I'm super annoyed at everyone in my neighborhood lighting off fireworks two days after the 4th. I don't know what I'm going to talk about tonight. Do I talk about the game? The secret project that just went to the editor? My Motorsport Manager dynasty on Switch?
Happy Saturday and welcome to another #LateNightWrite! Let's start with Introductions, tell us about yourself and your WIP(s) in any way you like. Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
Ugh, they were going off after midnight last night.
I haven't had a good night's sleep since before last weekend. They're driving my dog nuts and she doesn't deal well with it
I was leaving my aunt’s on the 4th (we went up to the mountains, which was a much nicer way to spend things), and there was a dog running down the road. I couldn’t get her, but I saw the FB post looking for her, so at least I let them know which way she went.☹️
same in our neighborhood, and like. I enjoy fireworks but like. give it a rest. it's been all week and longer. and also what's with people shooting them off when it's still too light out to see them?? the sparkles are the best part so like what are you even doing with your life
OOOOh, congrats on the secret project going to an editor!