S. Morgan Burbank

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S. Morgan Burbank


Author, visual novelist, developmental editor. 2021 Queer Indie Awards winner - best dystopian novel. Chronic shitposter/cursed meme fan. Hockey/Fire Emblem/Wrestling. They/them/she.

Can we stop with the pastel colors, Apple? Please?
The iPhone 16 is rumored to be available in these colors: - Black - White - Yellow - Purple - Pink - Green - Blue Which color would you pick?
Hi all! We’re halfway through the year and I’m 50% to my goal of this being the first year I sell at least one book a month. Nothing is on sale anymore, but please consider giving my lovely sci-fi stories a home #bsnm #indieauthors #booksky #writingcommunity 🚀🌈💫 🌈📚 www.amazon.com/dp/B09T867TS3
Azaes Realmwww.amazon.com Visit Amazon's Azaes Realm Page and shop for all Azaes Realm books. Check out pictures, author information, and reviews of Azaes Realm
#LateNightWrite If you wanna know more about Chosen? (and perhaps read the drafts as I finish them) check out my ko-fi: ko-fi.com/blackbirb Or my Patreon: patreon.com/chosenauthor You can follow me on either at no cost and donate only if you wanna!
#LateNightWrite Thank you for joining us this week! Feel free to use this space to share links to your work, or anything you want people to go and check! And if you don't have anything to promote right now, tell us... what did/will you have for dinner tonight?
Get more from Blackbird on Patreonpatreon.com creating fantasy (and sometimes not fantasy) web serials
#LateNightWrite Thanks for hosting, Bird! No post-chat stream tonight. But I am only 7 followers away from 100...so maybe give my Twitch a follow? twitch.tv/anotherindie...
#LateNightWrite Thank you for joining us this week! Feel free to use this space to share links to your work, or anything you want people to go and check! And if you don't have anything to promote right now, tell us... what did/will you have for dinner tonight?
#LateNightWrite Greatest desire speed round! Harper: To be loved for who she is Sara: To be seen as more than a hot girl Tessa: To be more than the best friend Andromeda: No more dead friends, please Lake: Safety Rina: To get out from under her parents' expectations Kinsey: To protect her brother
#LateNightWrite What are your main characters' greatest desires? And does the pursuit of those desires serve as a strength or weakness? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
#LateNightWrite Considering the game takes place in our world, most of our rules apply. The exception is the lust for hot wings. This is held most reverent, regardless of anything else. Also, nearly every single game character condemns terfs. And the ones who don't? They're shitty people.
#LateNightWrite How does your world treat expressions of lust? Be it sexual, lust for power, lust for life... Are these forms of expression more embraced or condemned within your story's universe? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
I'm torn on streaming. On one hand, I want to because I won't stream next Saturday. On the other hand, it'll be my first Saturday to get legit sleep since early June
#LateNightWrite I GET TO TALK ABOUT THE GAME I'm a slut for shout outs, references, and naming things as nods to others things. There is SO. MUCH. like this in all of my things. Especially my books, but also my games (since we're talking lust, that will be the primary topic here)
#LateNightWrite Tonight we discuss the sin I know some of you have been waiting for. Let's talk Lust. What fuels your lust for writing? What elements do you add to your work because you're just a slut for them (metaphorically or otherwise)? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
Hi #LateNightWrite. I'm Morgan and I'm super annoyed at everyone in my neighborhood lighting off fireworks two days after the 4th. I don't know what I'm going to talk about tonight. Do I talk about the game? The secret project that just went to the editor? My Motorsport Manager dynasty on Switch?
Happy Saturday and welcome to another #LateNightWrite! Let's start with Introductions, tell us about yourself and your WIP(s) in any way you like. Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
Someone bought a book today! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Make a band more vegetable: Corn
Make a band more vegetable: Tomatillo Fanclub
Do you need stickers for your stuff? Of course you do! I make and sell stickers to help fund my books and game work. Come get some :D #authors #writingcommunity #bsnm #booksky #indieauthors #gamedev ko-fi.com/anotherindie...
Same though
The inside out characters in my head are mostly characters I made up.
Do you need stickers for your stuff? Of course you do! I make and sell stickers to help fund my books and game work. Come get some :D #authors #writingcommunity #bsnm #booksky #indieauthors #gamedev ko-fi.com/anotherindie...
It's done! This might be the best thing I have ever made! Also, thank you so much to everyone who gave me suggestions. The list of characters and who suggested them is in the alt ☺️.
Red Darkling is a hot mess. Her ship's crap, her cat's glitchy, and her sleazy ex keeps waving his abs around. But she's got cheap beer and her independence, so life's good. Then things start going a little too well, and she's determined to put a stop to it. www.laguettler.com 📢📚 #booksky #bsnm
A tweet you still think about
A tweet you still think about
Related: If someone tries to tell you that Discord is a bad place because bad things can happen there -- yet argues the opposite about social media -- the have an agenda.
The number of people on social media who use objectively bad news as a tangential way to push their own, unrelated pet agenda is exhausting.
No I’m not going to America’s birthday party because for me July 4th will forever be the day I stood in that house for the last time
"I just don't think that's going to happen."
The number of people on social media who use objectively bad news as a tangential way to push their own, unrelated pet agenda is exhausting.
Yeah, I’m honking this horn again. Vote Forward is a nonprofit that equips volunteers to write letters to potential voters. VF focuses on nonpartisan messaging to groups that face higher levels of voter suppression. Here’s their website:
I think there must have been a huge 4th of July push because a ton of Vote Forward campaigns saw a jump in the number of voters “adopted” (basically, people you commit to writing a letter too)
Vote Forwardvotefwd.org Vote Forward volunteers send heartfelt handwritten letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters encouraging them to participate in our democracy. The letters have been shown to significantly boos...
Without downloading new pics, what’s it like dating you?
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you?
Another update! I have now added Erika, as a request from @anotherindiewriter.com, Makoto for @laguettler.bsky.social and Toph for @sirtrashlord.bsky.social. I also added Taskmaster, because this is BlueSky, and he is the patron saint here ☺️. I now need: 1 purple 2 brown 1 pink 1 white
It's a non-writing stream tonight! Stream doesn't end until I name every Pokemon. There's 1,025. Come see me suffer. twitch.tv/anotherindie...
*drum roll* it’s cover reveal day!! Like vampires? People trying to become vampires? Lots of failing at actually finding vampires so joining the vampire hunters in a desperate attempt to— ok you get the idea. Coming September 3rd! Art: @illustoryart.bsky.social #writer #vampires #indiebook
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Ah yes. The traditional response of people being shitty as backlash to people having an emotional response to genuinely bad things is indeed underway. I hate people sometimes