Antifa Phanatic

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Antifa Phanatic

Why should Gritty get to have all the fun? Antifascism is community self-defense. Go Phils, Birds, Sixers, Flyers, & Union.
A reminder that said this three years ago. They were very prescient
This feels like the worst day since Musk took over Twitter. It’s only going to get worse over there
Elon Musk just followed serial doxxer Andy Ngo, a violent fascist who has been linked to multiple mass murderers.
Pardon the 'image' overlay. Alt-text reader when there's no alt-text
My Twitter account just got suspended for sharing the name of neo nazi comic writer Hans Kristian Graebener.
Elon Musk just boosted a Great Replacement post in which HIAS, among others, is called out for receiving taxpayer money in its aid for refugees. The Pittsburgh shooter targeted a synagogue for the exact same reason: the synagogue supported HIAS.
Jesus Harold Christ, what the actual fuck?
Well, seeing as how Elon is fucking Twitter so badly that’s it’s gab lite I should probably start posting here
End of feed.