
Elon Musk just boosted a Great Replacement post in which HIAS, among others, is called out for receiving taxpayer money in its aid for refugees. The Pittsburgh shooter targeted a synagogue for the exact same reason: the synagogue supported HIAS.
This matters for many reasons, but one that is under-appreciated is how the mainstream right's leaders views are becoming less and less distinguishable from white nationalist mass shooter ideology. Combine that with Musk's structural changes to Twitter and it's clear where this is going.
I also didn't realize that El Paso is included here. This is another location of a Great Replacement mass shooting. 23 people were killed.
ALSO not for nothing but this is a Grok-generated post that's just...wrong. "El Paso County" is not an NGO, say.
San Diego is mentioned too. The Poway synagogue shooting could have been as bad as Pittsburgh, if it weren't for the actions of a brave martyr and the gun malfunctioning. The murderer also firebombed mosques
ALSO not for nothing but this is a Grok-generated post that's just...wrong. "El Paso County" is not an NGO, say.
How much of this is even true? It comes from the AI and one thing that's false off the bat is that El Paso County and the NY budget office aren't NGOs. Just fascist garbage all the way down.
how fucking dare all these organizations follow their religious principals and help people! /s so they want Christian nationalism then get pissed at Christians, uh, helping people through government social programs? they get money from the gov because they use government programs to help people...
Shhhhh. Maybe they will accidentally stop giving $$ to religious institutions.
Nah, they'll refund the religious orgs that practice social justice principles while continuing to fund religious schools with public school funding. They don't care about hypocrisy
Just awful. Grok is generative AI & should never be taken as fact—for numerous reasons—yet, there it is.
he's boosting that shitty tweet, not only because he's a horrible person but also because he wants to have that Grok thing shared more and more.
Stochastic parrots don’t require people to know how to think critically.
Not for nothing though the most certain way to bring jews together for constructive political purposes might be to threaten HIAS.
After October 7th, I don't think that's true anymore. Different priorities, especially among orgs and leaders.
would that were true. however, there has long been grumbling against HIAS from reactionary elements because HIAS now aids all refugees, and has helped Jews settle in the United States, instead of forcing them to go to Israel.
Can you die from Ketamine?
A majority of these are Christian/Catholic.
TIL: El Paso County is not a county, but an NGO