Aoife Gallagher

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Aoife Gallagher

Senior analyst @ISDGlobal.
Previously, Investigations @Storyful.
Extremism, conspiracy theories, mis/disinfo.
Author of Web Of Lies: The Lure and Danger of Conspiracy Theories.
Get in touch through [email protected]
The Sky News piece on the international input in Irish anti-immigrant Twitter has certainly caught people’s attention, but here’s why you shouldn’t read too much into it. (PS: I’m not over on the hellsite anymore, so realise the reach of this will be crap. Please repost it there if you so wish)
The Sky News piece on the international input in Irish anti-immigrant Twitter has certainly caught people’s attention, but here’s why you shouldn’t read too much into it. (PS: I’m not over on the hellsite anymore, so realise the reach of this will be crap. Please repost it there if you so wish)
"Mr Gomes dos Santos told The Irish Times he was near the entrance to his home when the man addressing his brother asked, “Where are you from?” and when he said, “Brazil,” within seconds, the assailant hit him above his left eye."
‘I’ll see the scar and remember this happened in Ireland,’ says Brazilian victim of unprovoked Limerick Attack on Roberto Gomes dos Santos jnr, who moved to Ireland from a favela in Rio de Janeiro, left him needing six stitches
'Woods, whose real name is Keith O’Brien, is an Irish white nationalist who reportedly described himself as a “raging antisemite"...and has reportedly been “a frequent guest on white nationalist Richard Spencer’s livestreams.'
YouTube is monetizing and helping raise funds for Keith Woods, a white nationalist and self-described “raging antisemite”
"Ireland has more in common with other colonised countries than it does with imperialist ones. Their inclusion within the hierarchy of race as “white” means Irish people can be manipulated emotively to believe that Irishness & whiteness are the same thing."
False prophets are peddling conspiracy theories about Ireland’s history. Here’s the truth | Emma From Russell Brand to Steve Bannon, pundits are distorting our past oppression – when it should be a source of solidarity with refugees, says Guardian Europe columnist Emma Dabiri
"Once more, fire has become the language of choice for some in this country who believe they’re revolting against a new tyranny, though this perceived uprising is one suffused with hate, racism and reactionary nativism." By
Arson marks a new era of extremism in Once more, arson is an expression of dissent in Ireland, but this self-proclaimed rebellion merely cloaks hate-filled racism and and reactionary nativism
Another fire (not yet being called arson) at a building housing asylum seekers, this time in Buncrana (I count 3 in Buncrana now since last May). A number of people taken to hospital for smoke inhalation.
Fire breaks out in Donegal building used to house asylum Gardaí investigating cause of fire at licensed premises on main street in Buncrana
"What’s just how brazen and open this incitement [is]. There are no coded messages, no nods or winks. The line is clear: since Jews “chose the path of destruction” by refusing to become Christians, Ireland must play its part in that destruction."
Fintan O'Toole: Gemma O’Doherty’s The Irish Light comes unbidden through my Hatred of Jews is not a ‘response’ to Israeli violence, but the mass killing of Palestinian civilians creates a space in which it can show itself in all its naked savagery
"In criticising the Government’s immigration policy, McGregor[ed] for the deportation of..any immigrant convicted of a crime. McGregor himself is no stranger to committing crimes in Ireland or abroad." Good round up on McGregor in .
Conor McGregor: Is the UFC's biggest star becoming a poster boy for Ireland's far-right? The 35-year-old has hinted at a run for the presidency.
Back to work today after a month off. I tried to disconnect as much as possible, which means I've probably missed loads. So Bluesky friends, please comment with any must read articles/posts re: asylum centre arson attacks, Epstein docs and anything else I should read/watch etc.
Read this earlier this year and is one of my fave reads. Highly, highly recommend.
A friendly festive reminder that last year I wrote a book about the growing influence of the far-right in Ireland and beyond. Still the perfect stocking filler one year later! Order here:
The best book I've read on the topic and my most recommended book of the last year.
A friendly festive reminder that last year I wrote a book about the growing influence of the far-right in Ireland and beyond. Still the perfect stocking filler one year later! Order here:
A friendly festive reminder that last year I wrote a book about the growing influence of the far-right in Ireland and beyond. Still the perfect stocking filler one year later! Order here:
Delighted that our report - “Deny, Deceive, Delay Vol.3” - got a full write-up in the New York Times today. I’ll post a link to access the research in comments below, and welcome any questions about what we found - in lieu of DMs, just tag me in posts!
Disinformation Is One of Climate Summit’s Biggest Online influencers, fossil fuel companies and some of the countries attending COP28 have nourished a feedback loop of falsehoods.
ICYMI, we covered the role of Gript in report #3 of Uisce Faoi Thalamh and found that within 7 of the 9 topics analysed, the outlet consistently outperformed all legacy news orgs Pages 6-7:
📢🚨 RESEARCH KLAXON 📢🚨 Today Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD) - an alliance of 50+ orgs - released our latest trend analysis on the eve of #COP28. It has case studies exploring the ‘outrage economy’, fossil fuel lobby and state actors. Key findings to follow 👇
the influx of american racists descending on irish twitter has been truly depressing, but then you do also get gems like this so who's to say if it's good or bad
I'm going to officially migrate from the hellsite to here by end of year. It would be great to connect with more people here. Do follow me if you're interested in the activity of the far-right in Ireland, conspiracy theories and online mis/disinfo. Also be great to connect with more Irish peeps!
It was quite horrifying to see the findings of this report play out on the streets of Dublin last Thursday. This escalation has been a long time coming and was entirely predictable if you've been paying attention to the far-right in Ireland.
Yesterday at, we published Uisce Faoi Thalamh: An Investigation into the Online Mis- and Disinformation Ecosystem in Ireland. The research is based on an analysis of 13.2 million online posts from 1,640 accounts posted on 12 platforms between Jan 2020 and April 2023.