The Author, Séamas O'Reilly

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The Author, Séamas O'Reilly

Author, very professional. Buy my extremely good book at
ah, another day of not changing the language settings on this keyboard and getting the é for my own name by googling beyoncé
This was written last week but in the end, I did take my son with me when I voted. He misunderstood the word "party" in my rushed explanation of who people vote for, and asked the poll workers if they had any snacks. He also declared who I voted for out loud to the entire room.
Got my days wrong and ended up-
My da's just asked me who Loopa Dewa is so I can confirm this news has broken through.
Thank you to DUA LIPA (!!) for recommending my book. If you'd like to see why everyone is raving about my award-winning, and very cool memoir, you can grab a copy anywhere excellent books are sold or choose from a selection of retailers over at
Thank you to DUA LIPA (!!) for recommending my book. If you'd like to see why everyone is raving about my award-winning, and very cool memoir, you can grab a copy anywhere excellent books are sold or choose from a selection of retailers over at
you expect ME to pay bills? me. a former baby. you sound insane right now.
The wild thing about this is that Starmer, once the top lawyer in the UK, is just plain wrong about this. The equality act is clear about this and there are multiple examples of case law stating exactly that trans women have the right to use single-sex spaces aligning with their gender identity.
I’m losing human rights Ned
My letter in today’s Herald about the political establishment pandering to JK Rowling and her anti trans obsession while ignoring the majority of women and women’s issues
success is just luck + preparation
Thinking again about how Al Pacino filmed the entirety of his Shakespeare documentary, Looking For Richard, while wearing, backwards, a baseball cap he got from the set of Scent Of A Woman.
Thinking again about how Al Pacino filmed the entirety of his Shakespeare documentary, Looking For Richard, while wearing, backwards, a baseball cap he got from the set of Scent Of A Woman.
You know, the two big events.
For a fuller view of the debacle, you can find my original precis here.
So, this has been extremely strange. Yesterday I published this column about my son's thin grasp on the merits of Father's Day. It was - I thought - a fairly sweet piece, and initial reaction from readers was very positive. And then things got weird...
My son is suspicious of the idea of Father’s Day. Why would he want to celebrate the lesser of his two parents? | Seamas O' I’m aware of sounding a bit desperate as I explain the concept to him
Two weeks ago, I became the centre of a baffling panic among the online Men's Rights community. I wrote this to say how weird, stupid and depressing that was, but also that I haven't given up on people just yet.
My rather sweet Father’s Day joke got the men’s rights activists raging | Séamas O' It seems I’m a misandrist…
Two weeks ago, I became the centre of a baffling panic among the online Men's Rights community. I wrote this to say how weird, stupid and depressing that was, but also that I haven't given up on people just yet.
My rather sweet Father’s Day joke got the men’s rights activists raging | Séamas O' It seems I’m a misandrist…
Every time I see Americans start back on the 'gifted student' discourse, I count myself lucky that my schooling in Derry exclusively involved teachers who would've sooner guzzled a yard of their own shite than tell a smartarse they were special.
Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.
There are a few slots free for Fence #21 (September) and we want on-the-ground snapshots of unexplored subcultures and fizzy scandals from underreported industries. If that sounds like something you've got in your back pocket, PITCH. [email protected]
There are a few slots free for Fence #21 (September) and we want on-the-ground snapshots of unexplored subcultures and fizzy scandals from underreported industries. If that sounds like something you've got in your back pocket, PITCH. [email protected]
The fact that we only see internal videos of IDF war crimes because the soldiers involved think they're funny and share them too widely, and that this happens so often that we end up seeing dozens of these videos every month without fail, makes me feel completely insane.
My all-time fave Fence piece might be MONKEY TENNIS, in which journalists told us the worst pitches they ever pitched. As you can read below, it was a massive success, so I'm delighted to say WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN. So. JOURNALISTS. What's your worst ever pitch?
Monkey Hi there, would you be interested in a piece on the ‘joy of bullying’?
On the delights of suddenly having no childcare, and resenting my toddler for wanting to spend more time with me than her new nursery. (Since this was filed before all of last week's palaver, I also refer to the last column as "sappy". Little did I know.)
Working from home is all very well – unless your daughter is there It seems my little girl is happy to forgo toys, paints and cuddles at nursery, so long as it means she can stop me getting down to work
just learned there's a baseball player called Jhostynxon Garcia who fans call "the password", and I think it's the best nickname I've ever heard