
As an Atheist Jew I would be furious if my classroom were forced by law to display any version of The Ten Commandments other than the one I have chosen to reject. Also, it's a classroom. They're supposed to teach the kids to respect and to cite original sources.
As someone who had their 2nd grade public school teacher, daughter of the superintendent of my school district, try to hold a nativity play with me as Joseph...and she cast me as him because I was the one Jewish kid in my grade and it somehow made sense to her... Yeah, just outrageous.
Me an 8 year old kid, not understanding why my parents were so mad and why they were getting into a fight with the school. Just understanding after the play was canceled that when the pledge of allegiance said God, it didn't mean my God, and maybe I should not say that.
No kids should ever be put into that position by a public school. Ever.