
How is it the Kansas AG's business to determine how the Education Department structures student loan payment plans? Why does one guy in a red state get to dictate federal policy?
Two federal court judges in Kansas and Missouri have paused parts of a student loan repayment plan that the Biden administration launched last year, which lowers borrowers’ monthly payments and provides a faster route to debt forgiveness.
Courts halt parts of Biden’s student loan repayment plan | CNN Two federal court judges in Kansas and Missouri have paused parts of a student loan repayment plan that the Biden administration launched last year, which lowers borrowers’ monthly payments and provid...
*one guy and a dozen red-faced rich donors
My mom: "you should apply under the SAVE Plan: Also my mom: votes for these assholes
Kris Kobach is the fucking worst. Well, Kansas Republicans in general are the fucking worst.
Texas and Florida would beg to disagree.