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Psychiatrist; here for the vibes
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
When dealing with pseudoscience, the devil is in the detail - in this case, narrowing down a specific "Lab Leak" hypothesis. In Dr. Chan's @nytimes.com OpEd there is, however, a very specific hypothesis for COVID-19 origin. It's a prime example of conspiracism vs empiricism, so let's dive in. 🧵
On the day of Dr. Fauci's testimony, @nytimes.com decides to run a deeply unethical OpEd with snazzy graphics and snappy headlines about the Lab Leak. The article itself contains multiple falsehoods and deep mischaracterizations. Let's take every point in turn 👇🧵 www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Pointswww.nytimes.com The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
Counties in states that expanded Medicaid under the ACA saw a 25% decrease in drug arrests, a 19% drop in “violent offense” arrests, and a 24% decrease in “low-level” offense arrests (Simes & Jahn 2022). Expanding public benefits leads to lower crime rates!
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
1/12 New paper on psychedelics as treatments for mental health problems is out! We discuss 10 challenges which limit conclusions that can be drawn about safety/efficacy of psychedelic therapy. We share a checklist for journalists, policymakers & others to assess quality of studies. Brief thread:
History repeating: guidelines to address common problems in psychedelic science - Michiel van Elk, E...journals.sagepub.com Research in the last decade has expressed considerable optimism about the clinical potential of psychedelics for the treatment of mental disorders. This optimis...
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
Aesthetic literary experience may be conceived as the integration of cognitive and emotional events leading to transformative processes in the phenomenal aspect of conscious experience. This form of learning -conceptual and affective- may be helpful in creating...
Reposted byAvatar Apophenia
Fascinating new study from @smfleming.bsky.social finds an illusion of overconfidence in AI decision making - humans judge artificial systems to be more confident and take their advice more readily. psyarxiv.com/mjx2v/ #psyscisky 🧠🤖
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