Kristian G. Andersen

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Kristian G. Andersen

Infectious diseases & genomics. Immunologist in (voluntary) exile. Minimal sarcasm. Fierce HOA (Hater of Acronyms).
Really good 15 min TWiV episode with Paul Offit outlining how false and irresponsible the recent lab leak nonsense from is. I for one appreciate the brevity - there really is nothing more to it. If you're interested in the topic, give it a listen.
Beyond the Noise #40: Lab leak In this episode Dr. Offit asks, why did the New York Times publish an op-ed supporting the lab leak theory when all evidence supports a zoonotic spillover?Sh...
American academic freedom is in peril Academics researching online misinformation in the US are learning a hard lesson: Academic freedom cannot be taken for granted. They face a concerted effort—including by members of Congress— 1/4
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
"I think she believes it and that's fine … it's interesting to me that there are a lot of people who are in many ways brilliant scientists who become conspiracy theorists. Even the brightest of scientists are not immune to being conspiracy theorists and I think that's what's going on with her"
Beyond the Noise #40: Lab leak In this episode Dr. Offit asks, why did the New York Times publish an op-ed supporting the lab leak theory when all evidence supports a zoonotic spillover? Show notes at Become a patron of Beyond the Noise at ——————————— CONNECT ——————————— 🎯 Subscribe! Instagram: @profvrr and Twitter: @profvrr TikTok: Facebook: Our Podcasts: Contribute: ——————————— MORE VIROLOGY ——————————— •My Virology Course •Virology Blog: •Virus Watch •Principles of Virology textbook ——————————— OUR SCIENCE PODCASTS ——————————— •This Week in Virology This Week in Parasitism •This Week in Microbiology •Urban Agriculture •This Week in Evolution •Immune •This Week in Neuroscience •Infectious Disease Puscast – Who Am I? – I’m Vincent Racaniello, Earth’s Virology Professor, and I believe that education should be free. I’m also a professor of virology at Columbia University in New York. I’ve been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. On this YouTube channel I share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more. New videos are uploaded several times each week. I do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. We depend on your support. If you would like to support our work, go to MicrobeTV appreciates your donation and your support of our mission. Our budget and ongoing financial health rely on accounting for and accepting irrevocable, non-refundable donations from the public. Therefore, MicrobeTV considers all donations to be nonrefundable. Content in this video should not be construed as medical advice. ——————————————————————— #microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic ———————————————————————
Our NEJM piece today on academic freedom, and why institutions cannot remain silent, such as when lives are potentially at stake, as occurred with Covid.
Gretchen and Gavin entered the room.
We have had some delays, but quick update as the wave did indeed come in right as expected. This translates to *a lot* of infections in San Diego at the moment, so please keep this in mind. Primarily driven by KP.2 and similar, but KP.3 will add to this shortly, so it'll be high for a while.
Quick update on the COVID-19 situation here in San Diego: 1️⃣ Currently low levels, based on wastewater. 2️⃣ However, I expect this to change in a few weeks. A few comments 👇🧵
One last thing about the NYTimes' op-eds and the COVID lab leak. I am not suggesting that the authors "stay in their lane," but if you think you're an expert on everything, you're an expert on very little. 1/
“At times, I am deeply disturbed about the state of our society,” Fauci writes near the end of his book. “We have seen complete fabrications become some people’s accepted reality". Never a truer statement.
'The resonances betwen the 2 greatest public-health crises of Fauci’s tenure at niaid are impossible to ignore. Both cases involve asympt. infection, a scramble for tests & treatments, public-information campaigns, & the search for a vaccine—miraculously fast for covid19, still unfulfilled for HIV'
Anthony Fauci’s Side of the The former NIAID director has been both lauded and demonized for his work during the COVID pandemic, but his autobiography insists that his career needs to be seen whole to be understood.
This needs to be seen in context of the wider orchestrated campaign to silence experts by trying to get their papers retracted and claiming they are fraudulent etc.
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
Got milk virus genomes? (or any H5N1?) Throw them at and see where they land in per-segment trees of tens of thousands of public Influenza A H5N1 sequences!
UCSC UShER: UCSC Genome Browser
This is such a critical and quick read, highlighting the dishonesty of in platforming revisionist history, pseudoscience, and conspiratorial beliefs in their Opinion section. Expertise matters. NYTimes would do well to appreciate that fact when it comes to science opinion.
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
1️⃣ What is the proximal origin of Mpox virus? 2️⃣ What factors drive emergence vs spread? 3️⃣ When and where? Immensely proud to be part of this work by a pan-Africa consortium established and led by Prof Happi and spearheaded by postdoc in the lab, Edyth Parker! Part 1:
Genomic epidemiology uncovers the timing and origin of the emergence of mpox in medRxiv - The Preprint Server for Health Sciences
Anti-science aggression in the information age is confusing because we have a very linear understanding of how coordinated attacks work. We presume that one actor, group, or party is the organizing mastermind behind all activity. That is wrong Read:
Shadows of the coming Dark Age for science in the Some analysis of the recent successful attacks on science and scientists; and a warning for democratic citizens
The culture wars intestify, false narritives, attacks on facts, science and scientists. This is disgusting and is the cancel culture and sensureship, taking away freedoms these rightwing populists claim to be against. Very disturbing this.
Perfect summation. If you can’t get your own papers published, write unreviewed opinion articles and claim that real scientific studies are fraudulent.
This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
"In supporting the project further, the university would have risked alienating conservative donors, Silicon Valley figures and members of Congress, who have threatened to stop all federal funding for disinformation research or cut back general support." Well, of course.
Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods but has struggled amid attacks from conservatives.
This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
You may have opinions on COVID19 origins, but Eddie Holmes brings the evidence. He's one of the world's top scientists working on viral emergence. This is worth, actually required, reading for anyone interested in the subject. There will be a quiz afterwards.
The Emergence and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 | Annual The origin of SARS-CoV-2 has evoked heated debate and strong accusations, yet seemingly little resolution. I review the scientific evidence on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and its subsequent spread throug...