
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Seriously! THIS is the guy you pull the trigger for! THIS is the guy you give up everything for! It's absolutely insane. They can see how he treats his subordinates and enablers -- all of them ultimately get thrown in the trash. And yet.
they are awfully confident about their safety under a trump regency
They think the three liberal justices are going to be their human shields.
But once they are gone, Roberts would obviously be next in line. After that Trump will call the three justices he already appointed into the oval office and have them fight to the death to see who gets to keep their seat.
The burden would be on the prosecution to demonstrate that this was not an official act. How will the Supreme Court Rule when the case makes its way to them? Some things just can't be known in advance.