
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Seriously! THIS is the guy you pull the trigger for! THIS is the guy you give up everything for! It's absolutely insane. They can see how he treats his subordinates and enablers -- all of them ultimately get thrown in the trash. And yet.
they are awfully confident about their safety under a trump regency
All while Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani are out here demonstrating exactly how misplaced that confidence is.
I believe Steve Bannon is behinds bars as we speak...YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO...maybe they will lose him never to be seen again. :o)
Oops he fell onto a shiv
Sexually Suggestive
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I get Alito and Thomas and Gorsuch, but how anyone writes about Roberts as an institutionalist after this is just astonishing.
That's the really telling part of this to me. Masks off.
I wonder if inciting stochastic terrorism against Supreme Court justices is an official act or not. Hard to say!
The remaining two SC justices will tell us
I mean, I know Nazi comparisons are hackneyed, but I bet a lot of the people on the receiving end of the Night of the Long Knives felt similarly
I struggle to think of examples of authoritarian slide where this hasn't happened. The specific form it takes - long knives, falling out of windows, etc. - varies, but the consolidation of power and petty retributions are common.
Yeah, Stalin is another famous example, but it’s most of the other cases I’m familiar with as well
There were a lot of wealthy Jewish people in 1930s Germany who supported Hitler, who thought the antisemitism was just bluster and they’d be fine. A lot of people who helped Saddam Hussein get into power were taken out in his culls. People always think THEY’re safe from dictators until it’s too late
SCOTUS will be some of his first targets. He doesn’t need their patina of legitimacy any more. They can only cause him hassles. So bye!
Hahaha. Trump’s only gambit his whole life has been ‘the courts will protect me.’ and he’s been largely right. Now that he has the highest court in the land in his pocket he is not going to target them. Okay, he might target 3 of them.
Yeah, the original question supposes people learn from history, but the ones we are talking about are arrogantly wilful ignoramuses.
I think perhaps they have not grasped that under a second Trump administration the courts will become essentially irrelevant.
I think they realize that the courts will be extremely relevant —as legitimizers of the regime domestically and abroad — and are more than happy to do so as long as they can be compensated well for it. Which, coincidentally, they just ruled that they can be.
For some time, for sure. But it seems apparent that the Federalist Society’s aims are for a unitary chief executive, where the President doesn’t really have to concern himself with what the courts say because they have eliminated any plausible enforcement mechanism.
And by a group of people who all ostensibly believe in a higher power that, if Scripture is to be believed, will hold them negatively accountable for until the end of time.
right?! fascist regimes are famously deferential to the court systems
And the safety of their loved ones. Traditionally you dont go after the people in power first, you threaten those close to them to send a message.
Their superpower is that they clearly don't give a fuck about anyone in the entire world.
They think the three liberal justices are going to be their human shields.
But once they are gone, Roberts would obviously be next in line. After that Trump will call the three justices he already appointed into the oval office and have them fight to the death to see who gets to keep their seat.
The burden would be on the prosecution to demonstrate that this was not an official act. How will the Supreme Court Rule when the case makes its way to them? Some things just can't be known in advance.
It's by the numbers what happens in authoritarian takeover. Everyone knows that some of the vanguard who take power eventually are excised form the movement, often violently, but everyone is confident that it won't be *them.*
I hope I live long enough to see the look on Roberts’ face when Trump turns on him and has him offed. Cold comfort, but comfort nonetheless.
If one falls out of line, Trump can surely put the pressure on them to resign, maybe even jailed.
If one falls out of line, trump will have them jailed or sent to the chair.
They have been brainwashed and it's almost impossible to bring them out of this point they are mentally incapable of rational thought. We need to ignore them all if we can, go around them and fight like hell to get them out of positions of authority, that includes the Supreme Court.
*stares directly at camera*
It’s easily verified that Putin seized the wealth of all Russian oligarchs except a handful he kept close. Do American businessmen of that wealth class really think Trump won’t do the same to them? Alongside that, working people can’t buy iPhones or drive for Uber if they’re in jail for mean tweets
And let’s not forget that they’ve got lifelong sinecures to boot! Most craven lickspittles at least do it because they need the gig, they need the juice. These clowns could have literally sat around for decades swapping golf stories at brunch. Actively evil.
They've been doing that at Bohemian Grove for decades
The Kompromat must be really really bad.
The useful idiot followed by a wake of destruction
It’s about running our faces in it. It’s better if the person is horrible, so much better.
As opposed to whom? For whom would it have been acceptable for them to pull the trigger? Yes, Trump is the absolute worst. But who’s only middling awful enough that would’ve made this make sense?
You're asking me who I'd prefer to be the leader of a fascist cult of personality? Pass.
They love being stomped on. They have no wills of their own.
there is such a rich text of evil in how Obama had to be followed up with not just a white man, but a mediocre white man, a lazy white man who can barely focus. how unimpressive he is feels like part of the point
Trump after Obama is basically a filled-in swimming pool thing. “Oh, a black president. How about the jerk from Celebrity Apprentice? Not such an august position now.”
“if democracy gives us a black president i guess we can’t have democracy”
This is a coup people. Recognize it for what it is.
I watched Obama’s inauguration w/a lot of my Black coworkers and everyone was SO thrilled. My [Black] manager at the time walked by and said, “Don’t get too excited. They’re going to make us pay for this.” Seems like she was right!