
Anyone else have a dental hygienist harass you for an hour about flossing until you cried even tho you told her you had other things keeping you busy like your baby almost dying? No? Just me?
Like lady I came to get my teeth cleaned I did not need to hear a stranger tell me that if I don’t floss I could have a heart attack and then wouldn’t be around to take care of the sick baby. That is honestly psycho shit for 8am.
Fucking yikes 😳 I'm sorry, that sucks.
I can’t compare on any way to what you went through - that is awful and I am so sorry. I can say that any time I start with a new dentist I make them write NO LECTURES on the front of my file.
I told my kid's dentist that he responds better to positive motivation than negative, they put a note in his file, and I have not heard a single complaint about going to the dentist since.
I’m pretty sure my dental hygienist would like to punch your dental hygienist.
I've had this exact experience and it's insane. Have had to specifically request appts when the other hygienists are free.
Howwwww are hygienists so awful across the board?
If I wanna stress about the terrible diseases I probably have, I'll go to the regular doctor! Don't dentists have a hard enough time getting people to book appts???
I don't know why, but the 8am bit really puts the cherry on top of that mess of hell no.
I definitely have never had it that bad, but I've had a lot of lectures. Then I switched to a new dentist, and the dentist was like "wow, you have a lot of buildup on your lower teeth, your saliva must have a really high mineral content. Let's do cleanings once every 3 months"...
And after about a year, my gums were in great shape, and even though I made 0 changes to my personal tooth care routine, I started getting compliments instead of lectures from the hygienist. Turns out it had nothing to do with my habits at all.
That's nuts! I miss my LA dentist who didn't balk when I told her that I haven't flossed and never will. She said she'd bug me about if it seemed critical, but otherwise keep on keepin on.
I miss my LA dentist who had a terrarium filled with rabbits you could watch hopping around and fucking in the waiting room.