Mel Roxby-Mackey

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Mel Roxby-Mackey

Archaeologist of borders and landscapes of conflict, Anglo-Welsh border and its folklore, digital humanist, University of Birmingham. Archaeologist in Residence, Offa's Dyke Association. All ops my own.
WEDNESDAY WORDS well, what Wednesday Words will we witness? All these were gleaned by R.E.Davies in 1871 - oh! How I spoil you
Making an entrance! Novosaurs 2, my new book, will be available to buy on Friday 🦖🐓
In parts of Shropshire, it was believed that washing in the May Dew could strengthen joints, remove aches and pains as well as beautify the complexion. #Folklore #Shropshire
WEDNESDAY WORDS well, what Wednesday Words will we witness? All these are again frum the Clun Dialect Words Book - oh! How I spoil you😉
Reverend Brewster found that on Good Friday, his Shropshire parishioners would not work, nor would they throw out the ashes or suds, from cleaning. This was because they believed it blasphemous and thought they would be throwing them in the saviours face. #Folklore #Shropshire #GoodFriday
#OTD John 'Mad Jack' Mytton died aged 37, a 'old-young man bloated by drink, worn out by too much foolishness.' He was a thunderous roar, tearing across the pages of Shropshire's history, reduced to a mere whisper. #Shropshire #Folklore
It’s not that often I find myself wishing we were still in Cambridge, but for this talk I’m making a conspicuous exception!
1/2 At a loose end in/nr Cambridge at 5.45 p.m. on 16 April 2024? My talk: 'And did they bring their horses? Re-evaluating the emergence of the English c.400-c.700'. Roger Needham Rm, Chancellor's Centre, Wolfson College, Barton Road, Cambridge CB3 9BB. Free, all welcome. In-person only
With its lengthy history, its of little surprise that The Guildhall in Much Wenlock is Haunted. The most frequently reported phenomena is the sound of children laughing and playing, perhaps a memory of a happier time...
I love this. Am I ever going to be able to think about swifts without calling them Jack Squealers ever again?
WEDNESDAY WORD(s) Here it is again, the feature that absolutely no one is talking about, well, what Wednesday Word(s)will we witness? All these are frum Some Shropshire Words,a full page today - oh! How I spoil you😉
In Herefordshire cart-horses were told of their master’s death otherwise it was warned that the ghost of their master might take the horse’s soul for use in the next life. #folklore
And if you want to see an example of some of this conservation work, here are before and after shots of scrub clearance undertaken at Sedbury, Gloucestershire
It finally feels like spring might be arriving. If you’re thinking about getting out and about why not consider walking some of Offa’s Dyke National Trail? Or consider joining the Offa’s Dyke Association to support the Association’s important conservation work on the monument across the border?
Offa's Dyke Visit the post for more.
It finally feels like spring might be arriving. If you’re thinking about getting out and about why not consider walking some of Offa’s Dyke National Trail? Or consider joining the Offa’s Dyke Association to support the Association’s important conservation work on the monument across the border?
Offa's Dyke Visit the post for more.
Indeed. Dropped, licking and immoveable standing stones and many more. Stories from the earth on how previous generations tried to make sense of the archaeology in the landscape around them.
There's something eerie about standing stones. Why are they there? Who put them there & how? Folklore often tries to provide answers. Let's look at the folklore of standing stones in this week's episode of Fabulous Folklore.
The Folklore of Standing Stones, Megaliths, and Menhirs - Icy Standing stones are often highly mysterious. Folklore rushes in to fill the gaps since we don't know who built them or why. Learn more here.
On World Book Day, all my books.
Welsh Folklore Dictionary 101: Coblyn. pl. Coblynnau / Coblynnod / Coblyniaid. 𝘎𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯, 𝘪𝘮𝘱, 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦, 𝘣𝘰𝘨𝘺, ‘𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳’ 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. First appears in William Salesbury’s 1547 dictionary as ‘koblyn’.
Reminds me of the one incident I had where both my dogs reacted to something they tracked walking across the front of the house. I still can’t rationally explain it.
My latest post discusses a strange paranormal encounter in Weston Rhyn, Shropshire. You can read all about the 'Slouched Hatted Ghost' and the brave little terrier who faced him below-
A Weston Rhyn Whilst exploring the British Newspaper archives, I stumbled across the following account from August 1929. What fascinates me most about the...
Huge congratulations to
I've officially hit 100,000 views on Nearly Knowledgeable!! 😭💚 Shropshire’s stories mean so much to me, so it's amazing to know I can share my passion!
This ends tomorrow (Sunday) so if you like dinosaurs, like drawings of dinosaurs, and like the people who draw dinosaurs, please share this. Thank you.
EX TERRA A New Collection of Palaeoart by Andy Frazer.
Excellent news. Thank you for sharing
Break: The owners of the Crooked House pub at Himley have been served with an enforcement notice ordering them to rebuild the historic and quirky pub to the state it was before a mysterious fire and unauthorised demolition in the Summer of 2023. They have thirty days to appeal the decision.
Crooked House: Owners of wonky pub ordered to An enforcement order requires the building to be built back to what it was prior to the fire.
Why archaeology matters. "From the ghosts of the past, we may learn how to build a more wild and ancient future." Wise words indeed from Sophie Yeo of the Inkcap Journal. Looking forward to getting our copy
Inkcap A magazine about nature and conservation in Britain.