
Dumbass org social media account gonna totally not understand what Ari Cohn is concerned with while its own website is suspiciously silent on its "about us" page about....who "us" actually is.
it's extremely weird that these people keep acting like all of social media is a monopoly and everyone involved is a billionaire. Last I checked I was "social media" and if I were a billionaire I'd definitely be putting in a bid for Clarence Thomas at the billionaire's auction
Shut the fuck up before I literally eat you, billionaire
oh goddamn Ari you caught me, I have been shitposting from my secret billionaire bunker the whole time and now I am discovered!!! I'll say hi to Bill for you. (We voted Elon out of the bunker, he was too creepy.)
objectively this was just kinda funny (no offense), and yet I cackled extremely
see, that's the power of being a secret billionaire, it magically transforms even your mid shitposts to funny
Is Elon an anomaly, or is he proof that only *secret* billionaires have this power and because he's always flaunting his billions his shitposts are unable to be funny?
I do believe that once he broke $6 million in gifts, he changed his name to "Clearance Thomas."
Haha. I was just looking at their website trying to figure out who was involved and there is no information at all...
I guess I'm probably lucky that they've blocked me...
Me, too. Can someone please tell me who/what it is?
You're seeing that because they blocked me (after deleting their dumbass post). It was these clowns.
Having the government stamp warning labels on ideas it doesn't like doesn't strike ME as a good way to improve media and democracy. DeSantis, et al, seem to think it is, though. Did the PMRC and warning labels usher in a golden age of music? (Spoiler: No.)
It did, though, give me the spectacle of a CD with a "Parental Warning" sticker on it added to my mom's music collection. It was a recording of Renaissance madrigals, some of which contained bawdy 16th century lyrics.