Ari Cohn

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Ari Cohn

First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel @ TechFreedom

Illini/music junkie/oofnik.

“A snarky gay lawyer Jessica Fletcher.”
**chokes back laughter**
You are assuming a company with offices and employees and assets made up libelous claims whole-cloth and then published them in a country with stricter libel laws than the United States. Be serious for ten seconds. That is an absurd premise.
Techbrosephine invents MySpace in 2024
If you could only do one thing at the Art Institute of Chicago, this is what I would tell you to do.
The Thorne Miniature Rooms is fantastic. Not sure how I missed them before (outside that they are in the basement)
Joe Namath seems kinda hard up for money. Maybe he should try one of them reverse mortgage thingamabobs.
For a guy who thinks the Court shouldn't legislate, Thomas sure is keen on re-writing Section 230. Congress chose to protect online services from liability for user content. That's entirely separate from, and immaterial to, the expressiveness of their choices.
I am not mentioned once in this article, yet my name appears in the "key words." Am I being used as SEO now?
Cert granted in FSC v. Paxton, where the 5th Circuit ignored binding precedent on the standard of scrutiny applying to content-based, Internet speech restrictions. Giving SCOTUS yet another opportunity to wonder aloud if the 5th Cir. has the collective legal reasoning skills of a jelly donut.
Reposted byAvatar Ari Cohn
Doomerism is chickenshit. an embarrassment to every ape that threw a rock at a bear to protect the tribe. if you actually believe this doomer shit what are you posting for? it's chickenshit and i will have no truck with it. you had something better to do with your life than make the world better?
Upshot: SCOTUS vacates and remands the NetChoice cases because of the facial challenge irregularity that came up at oral arguments, but the Court takes the time to explain how it views the First Amendment principles at issue, with a not-at-all-disguised swipe at the 5th Circuit.
S.O.'s outrage whenever anyone on a cooking show presents a tartare to the judges is so remarkably consistent that I've started using it as a baseline in my head for figuring out it he's *actually* mad at me.
These guys really decided to affirmatively embrace every stereotype of the Clueless Techbro. "Live-streaming bar patrons going about their business so people can get a 'vibe check' before they leave the house, what could possibly go wrong?!"
Startup slammed for rolling out creepy device in popular A new app has sparked extreme blowback after enabling users to 'creepily spy' on patrons at trendy nightclubs and bars across San Francisco.
Another banger from BI: "Traveling across the country with six people costs money. Did you know there are things you can do closer to home that are cheaper?"
Court sides with Free Speech Coalition, enjoins Indiana age verification law from going into effect on July 1. Decision:
Who would have thought that a sub-par candidate even as to the last election would be doing worse a few years removed from a sense of urgency (and you cannot credibly argue that the sense of urgency is the same in 2024)? It's almost as if maybe you should have had a real primary.
Pretty sure MSFT saw this post and retaliated by making my computer auto-restart every single night since.
It's amazing that Microsoft is spending time on a creepy tool to record all your activity when it still can't figure out how to prevent Windows from waking your laptop while in your backpack (or not rebooting overnight without permission because of some stupid update).
Reposted byAvatar Ari Cohn
In my view this is a “we’ve done this thing wrong and unconstitutionally forever so it would cause chaos to enforce the constitution now” type of stance. Administrative trials to impose significant penalties are a bit of a farce.
Sotomayor, for the liberals, on the decision that the SEC (and presumably other agencies) can't levy civil penalties on lawbreakers without a jury trial: "Congress had no reason to anticipate the chaos today's majority would unleash after all these years."
Studios are really doing their best to reignite public sympathy for piracy
Reposted byAvatar Ari Cohn
At last, here's the full text of the accidentally posted Supreme Court EMTALA opinion draft, via Bloomberg News
What fucking valid purpose does blacking out this guy's (who is a government employee with authority over children) name serve? The pendulum has swung way too far.
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
Murthy gets reversed and remanded on lack of standing. This was never the right case to establish the standards for Internet jawboning.
I feel like I have this exact exchange with my father every time I embark on a quest to fix an appliance or do some other household maintenance that I could also just pay someone to take care of.
1/ It was an honor to write this brief on behalf of the First Amendment Lawyers Association,, and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.
Don’t Allow Bureaucrats Broad Discretion over Free Expression, We Urge Ninth
Who wants to go in with me on DAObitration It'll be like Judge Judy, but On The Blockchain
Don't know if I'm late to this particular aspect of the conversation, but I heard today of a crypto platform where disputes are resolved by majority vote of as many platform users as want to participate (risking some of their coins if they're in the minority; rewarded if in the majority)
These people are so dumb that they will miss every parody of themselves if it doesn't mirror the exact thing they are thinking about at any given moment. Sad!
The whole time? The Boys has been making fun of Trumpers the whole time?! Why fans keep missing the point of The Boys.
I can't believe it's been two years. There are still days I swear I can hear one of the little snorts he did when he wanted something and I half expect to see him run perk up from a nap when I walk in the door. We miss you every day, Denver.
This little booger
SpaceX can build a rocket booster than can be reused 20+ times to go to space, and somehow still nobody can figure out how to make a plastic wrap dispenser that doesn't require the dexterity of Yngwie Malmsteen
Dumbass org social media account gonna totally not understand what Ari Cohn is concerned with while its own website is suspiciously silent on its "about us" page about....who "us" actually is.
Eggs are still like $3/dozen but it's a good thing Tim Wu & Co. are out there worrying about the "monopoly power" of social media platforms that people pay nothing to use, I guess.
It's amazing that Microsoft is spending time on a creepy tool to record all your activity when it still can't figure out how to prevent Windows from waking your laptop while in your backpack (or not rebooting overnight without permission because of some stupid update).