
I feel like I have this exact exchange with my father every time I embark on a quest to fix an appliance or do some other household maintenance that I could also just pay someone to take care of.
My spouse has finally convinced me to look at the value of the time and inconvenience associated with projects like this. Having seen how badly non-lawyers can screw up law stuff, I’d hate to become someone’s story about how badly non-plumbers can screw up plumbing stuff.
Cut to me getting frustrated with a basin wrench that wasn't strong enough and just using a hacksaw to cut the faucet above the counter.
I just showed this to my wife and she says “Oh look, it’s you.”
Some people were put on Earth to be able to renovate/repair/fix anything in a house. I was put here to make sure those people get paid.
Just watch a lot of YouTubes. You can be an expert that way.