
I stay away from my mom and stepdad's camp because my stepdad's sister and BIL visit often. Out of respect for my mom and stepdad, I refrain from going because I won't keep my mouth shut when they run their faux Christian, bigoted, holier-than-thou, insanely judgmental mouths.
It absolutely kills me that because of that, I cannot protect my sister. She loves going and she is constantly inundated with their vile opinions. No one knows better than them and if you disagree? You're going to hell, of course.
The first thing they said to her when she arrived? She needs to get back to work (she's a single mom of a one year old with no childcare), no one wants to work, if benefits were taken away, they'd be forced to work... oh and abortion is murder this that and the other bullshit. Eat shit, you prick.
If she gave me the greenlight, I would show up in a heartbeat and give them the verbal beatdown of the century. Because I can quote Scripture too, asshole. What language do you prefer? You love Jesus but somehow you never reference the NT when you use the Bible to hate in others. Odd.
And since yesterday, they've picked on her mom instinct, because she was concerned my niece was getting sick. They kept saying they knew what they were talking about and that she was overreacting. Guess who is at the ER now because of a high fever? The 13 month old baby that was "just fine."
Thank you to anyone that read my rant.
My blood pressure is up reading that. Rotten people. I hope one day you get to tear them apart