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Hatching insidious plans with The Woke Mob to strike out at helpless white supremacists, transphobes, and bigots. #BLM #ProAbortion (she/her)

If we knew each other on Xitter, let me know: aristeia/arissarox.

Salvare i lupi: https://nywolf.org/
But remember, life begins at conception... and sometimes ends in a hail of rapid gunfire (but it's definitely NOT a machine gun if it's because of a bump stock) a few short years later, because Americans like the idea of killing others more than they like seeing children survive 2nd grade.
solutions to school shootings: 1999: ban video games 2019: arm the teachers 2024: turn 8 year olds into trauma nurses
I edited a wonderful book in April by a brilliant first time author and I can officially plug it now, as pre-orders for the e-book are available. I love this book. I'm jazzed I got to edit it, but if I hadn't, I would still be recommending it to everyone. books2read.com/u/bP8BwJ
Available now at your favorite digital store!books2read.com Hereafter Lies: R.I.P. by Elijah B. Wilder
I'm icky sick with a fire throat, so I am watching comfort TV. And I can't tell you how much this moment brings me extreme joy.
Okay, so I know McJesus scored anyway, but the way my jaw went through the floor, into the molten magma core of Earth after that save by Tkachuk...
I stay away from my mom and stepdad's camp because my stepdad's sister and BIL visit often. Out of respect for my mom and stepdad, I refrain from going because I won't keep my mouth shut when they run their faux Christian, bigoted, holier-than-thou, insanely judgmental mouths.
We do love to monetarily capitalize on addiction in this country. Lots of healthy behaviors happening here. Inexplicably blaming a stranger for your poor decisions being the least of it.
Gambling is causing an occupational health and safety crisis for athletic workers and the leagues they work for and sports media complex are entirely responsible because, as always, in capitalism value comes first and the worker might as well be dead at the end of the day. t.co/0kXATZZc1D
Priorities are in order around here
Thanks for the Italian lesson, stronza. I'd also like to share some other Italian with Martha-Ann: coglionerie. Ne è piena.
I just got my proof copy of the book I edited in April and it's so fucking gorgeous and amazing. I'm insanely proud to have worked on this book, and I am slightly terrified because I know a couple of really, really, really famous authors will be reading it soon for possible quotes. 😬😵‍💫😍🥳🥹
Alex Jones was weeping on his radio show because "the deep state" is coming for him hard. I'm sure this is a really tough moment for him. Almost as tough as losing your child to senseless, preventable, and overwhelming violence, then being harassed and stalked by unhinged followers of a radio host.
I honestly believe that the absolute worst part of looking for a job right now is the very reasonable fear that no one is seeing your application because whatever ATS they use decides some tiny thing on your resume is "unreadable" and therefore automatically rejects it. And you'll never know.
Rival publishers are fighting it out on the street in a battle of words. Which is occurring? A) A skirmish! B) A clash! C) A brawl! D) A tussle!
The Turner Sports crew >>>>>>>> the ESPN crew. All day. There's just no comparison. And the fact that I'm now stuck with ESPN for the finals is depressing. I usually like PK, but he, Mess, and Steve have no chemistry. I just don't enjoy any of it. Already miss "Liam and the boys." 😕
Reposted byAvatar L'affettapalle
Which Republican governor loves killing the residents of their own state more — Greg Abbott in Texas or Ron DeSantis in Florida?
“Lupe Gonzalo knows this reality well. She used to pick tomatoes in Florida during the summer and she'd find herself woozy from the heat … Gonzalo shoved bottles of water into every pocket, but even that wasn't nearly enough to get her through the day. Some colleagues … even died.” #WeFeedYou
We truly are despicable. We can't even leave Ms. Rachel alone.
I'd like to let all my queer and trans peeps know that I will be spending this month digitally* punching bigots in the face, so please feel free to enjoy your month. You deserve that and more. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ *I will also do it physically, in case anyone wants to try it while I am present.
Jada Pinkett Smith saying "that part" .gif
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
As far as I am concerned, the jurors are American heroes. The intense pressure and burden must have felt suffocating. All my respect for a phenomenal and thorough job. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Reposted byAvatar L'affettapalle
Sex is great but have you ever watched an absolute sleezeball shitheel of a human being who has previously escaped punishment get rightfully convicted on 34 felony counts?
My 94 year old grandfather has been fist pumping all over the living room since the 1st count's verdict was read aloud. 😂
So! How is everyone doing? Boring day, eh?
The author whose (absolutely fantastic) manuscript I edited last month wrote me a testimonial that's so amazing, it made me burst into soggy, grateful tears. I feel like my heart grew little Red Bull wings. 🥹💓
Netanyahu's entire political career is a "tragic mistake." A tragic mistake from the bowels of hell. I hope he chokes on a milky way of dicks.
If the Avs had gone on to win the series after the Stars were screwed on a call involving what's in and not in the crease in OT in a game 6, then I might just have let my grudge die. I doubt the same situation will happen again, so it looks like I will loathe the Stars until the end of time.