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Early-Career SFF Writer. Conlanger. Linguistics and Ancient History Enjoyer. Posts about LotR. She/Her. Header by

I went and checked out Yet Another Ebook so I have an excuse not to be on here today.
Well I got a pretty clear mental image for the human characters because I have a frame of reference for humans but this is how my cursed brain imagines Ohan, Lovey, Doctor Chef, and Sissix
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is a great book but I got the goofiest mental images of some of the characters.
JRRT recreating the experience of knowing umpteen girls named Sarah or Katherine.
I hit the random article button on Tolkien Gateway and this actually looks like a really neat book.
There are some real treasures hiding in the depths of Tolkien’s legendarium.
I went back and found one of the safer for work sections because I love yall.
I didn’t post about the part about sex between women cuz I was tired by that part of the afternoon but tldr it was considered sinful but medieval Christians considered lots of things sinful and it wasn’t considered to be a major social problem like extramarital sex between men and women was.
Another sign I’m gonna start tapping.
Out of many weird takes in this book, this one could’ve been designed in a lab to raise my blood pressure.
Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.
Won’t post the whole picture cuz this account is rated PG-13 but the book includes an illustration of a 15th century brothel with a little dog sleeping in the corner.
Some medieval canon lawyers thought a woman would have to sleep with at least 23,000 men to be considered a sex worker.
Even though medieval Venice was a patriarchal society in which laws favored men, you still see instances where, for example, a man abandons his unmarried partner and is required to essentially pay her child support and a dowry
I’ve gone off about a similar thing wrt Arthurian literature on here a couple of times.
Not about the church but about conflicting attitudes toward adultery in medieval literature in general: women’s adultery was a big problem for medieval people because it cast doubts on the paternity of children, but they also understood why women often weren’t satisfied in arranged marriages.
The “medieval church” had varying degrees of strictness or leniency towards women’s adultery because the church was, in fact, composed of many individuals with varying perspectives and motivations.
This tale is done.
Medieval women could be proactive in seeking sexual relationships, including extramarital affairs:
So Karras suggests that medieval apprehensions about women’s infidelity actually arose because middle and upper class women had opportunities to become powerful.
Unsure what’s going on here but it has strong “we saw you from across the bathhouse and we like your vibe” energy
The Morgan Crusader Bible, also known as the Maciejowski Bible, was made for King Louis IX of France around 1250. In its depictions of Bible scenes you can see many details about daily life (and war) as it would have been in the 13th century. #medieval
They should’ve been called Marco and Polo and have been also known for inventing a popular swimming pool game.
Look at this. Nations are rising. Kings are falling. Tobold plants “”””””pipe weed””””” in the Southfarthing. These are all Equally Important.
The LotR timelines including the year that Bucca of the Marish became the first thain of the Shire alongside the deeds of the kings of Arnor and Gondor is like if a timeline of US history included the election of Thomas Knotts as the first mayor of Gary, Indiana, in 1906.
The timelines don’t tell us when the kingdom of Arnor was split into three but they tell us when Isengrim II started building his new house.
Middle-earth historians keep having to say “they’re called the Dark Years because of the lack of sources, not because they were grim”
Also remember when Tolkien Gateway tried to tell me that the First Age didn’t end with the destruction of Beleriand, was that like a super nerdy April Fools prank or…?
Check out this cute little handheld 15th century organ
So apparently, by his own admission, GRRM emailed the chair of the Glasgow worldcon and was sent a form letter with a link to the application and he’s miffed that he was treated like any random author and not like GRRM.
This would’ve mollified me 10 years ago but, well, that was 10 years ago.
Oh also Caracalla in the gladiator sequel is blond but the historical Caracalla was the son of Septimius Severus (from modern Libya) and Julia Domna (from Syria). So here’s a contemporary portrait of Julia, Septimius, young Caracalla, and his brother Geta (whose face was erased)
Last repost Caracalla wasn’t Joffrey Baratheon he was the 5’4” dude who tries to fight every jacked 6’ bro he meets 😭😭
It’s the weekend, time to stop working (editing other people’s writing) and relax (editing my own writing)