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Early-Career SFF Writer. Conlanger. Linguistics and Ancient History Enjoyer. Posts about LotR. She/Her. Header by

The existential terror of writing a scene in which multiple people are speaking.
Reposted byAvatar Abby
The word 'church' is closely related to the name of the prayer 'Kyrie eleison'. This name comes from Ancient Greek 'kȳrie, eléēson' (Lord, have mercy), containing the vocative case of 'kȳrios' (Lord). Its derivative 'kȳriakón' (house of the Lord) was borrowed into West Germanic. Here's more:
Make a band more vegetable Imagine Dragonfruit
Make a band more vegetable Def Lettuce
Reposted byAvatar Abby
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Today in Jeremy's salad: romaine, bamboo, hibiscus, and rose
Reposted byAvatar Abby
i think people are too critical of the spread of "y'all." it's a useful word that fills an actual gap in the language. who cares if you're not from the south? but once i heard an australian say it, and i found that very challenging
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Hi all! We’re halfway through the year and I’m 50% to my goal of this being the first year I sell at least one book a month. Nothing is on sale anymore, but please consider giving my lovely sci-fi stories a home #bsnm #indieauthors #booksky #writingcommunity 🚀🌈💫 🌈📚
Azaes Visit Amazon's Azaes Realm Page and shop for all Azaes Realm books. Check out pictures, author information, and reviews of Azaes Realm
Hey yall just so you’re aware these images are AI
God forbid women have hobbies
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Fascinating site they’re excavating in Egypt on the Red Sea.
Reposted byAvatar Abby
hot take: high fantasy has become too much about wonky palace intrigue and eldritch spectacle. i just want a series of three books where decent folks walk to maybe 15-20 places and describe how they camp, sleep, and eat at each, plus poems in a fake language
I started rereading Lord of the Rings just bc it is something I've read many times before and it's better to do that at 4 AM than think terrible things. But I forgot just how weird it is, esp how much of it is dedicated to lush travel writing about what it is like to walk at different times of day??
The Decemberists had a point when they said “the season rubs me wrong, the summer swells anon”
When Gandalf the Gray became Gandalf the White, JRRT should’ve had him go “this is not even my final form”
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Reposted byAvatar Abby
William Bell Scott, Rossetti’s Wombat Seated in his Master’s Lap, 1871
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Sammie had an impromptu playdate last night
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Reposted byAvatar Abby
Important penguin news
Reposted byAvatar Abby
Yes we have work to do on climate crisis & sustainable lifestyles, but do we really need orientalist takes on the "feudal" "ancient city" of Edo? Research on Japan's successes (and its many failings) in environmental sustainability was done by Totman decades ago.
What the Japanese Edo period can teach us about How a recycled garment made from tattered rags symbolises the ingenuity of what could have been one of the world's first large-scale ecological civilisations.
Reposted byAvatar Abby
(2/2) In the 1700s a company dug a long canal to connect towns of western Cumbria. They destroyed Burgh's Roman bath-house to do it. This is where the canal was. Funny enough, the canal was destroyed to create a 19th C train line. Which itself died in 1964! The train station is now a private home.
Reposted byAvatar Abby
I love Britain's deep history. Burgh-by-Sands is one of Hadrian's Wall's western forts. The modern town ignored & grew over it, the east-west road kind of (but not really) following the line of the Wall. An E-W ditch (blue) lies south of the town. It looks like a Roman earthwork. It's not. (1/2)
Reposted byAvatar Abby
and we can tell that these people from the damn neolithic were not just eating goat but specifically eating young goats??? just by looking at the chemicals in their teeth!!! we know the age of a neolithic goat by looking at the teeth of the man who ate it. wtf
Reposted byAvatar Abby
The danger of speccing entirely for fighting the 1 type of enemy you've seen so far
Yet another misfortune that befell a king of Rohan: Folca, who murdered every orc in Rohan only to be killed by a boar
Reposted byAvatar Abby
The Greenhouse☀️
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I'm afraid I did it better
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Abby
From the archives: vehicles for those who couldn't get the hang of parallel parking
Last one I promise. Rhohirric men must be genetically predisposed to dying patently ridiculous deaths of their own making
Yet another misfortune that befell a king of Rohan: Folca, who murdered every orc in Rohan only to be killed by a boar
Yet another misfortune that befell a king of Rohan: Folca, who murdered every orc in Rohan only to be killed by a boar
“Baldor went to the Paths of Don’t Go Here Or You Will Fucking Die and then he fucking died”
Brytta was also known for the water filtering pitcher he invented.
“Baldor went to the Paths of Don’t Go Here Or You Will Fucking Die and then he fucking died”
The LotR appendices talking about Gondor: the king conquered the entire known world and renamed himself Conquerer Of The Entire Known World The appendices talking about Rohan: the king flipped off a troll who promptly beat his ass