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loner. loser.
Reposted byAvatar heather
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Peltigera #lichen on #moss. I took some samples that day and keyed everything to P. rufescens. Now I am having second thoughts. Are those rhizines compatible with P.r.?
Reposted byAvatar heather
Blueskys favorite Cladonia #lichen on a mossy wall. This one is very likely C. fimbriata with podetia cups froming abruptly from finely soredious stalks.
I think, much like you have days off from school/work etc. that we should also get days off from *life*
And now I have a post people interaction tummy ache
Also, my daughter is a delight and always willing to help apparently so clearly I was talking about the wrong kid there because the daughter in my house is neither delightful nor happy to help.
She fucking said it again with the slight variation of ‘he’s coming out of his shell a bit’. No lady he’s just fucking masking because it’s easier than dealing with *you* pushing him.
I have a meeting via teams with my kids tutor who I hate with a passion. Every meeting I’ve ever had with her she’s said he needs to ‘come out of his shell’ and just why? He’s achieving good grades, he has a solid friendship group, what more can be gained from pushing him out of his comfort zone?
I propose a rule where instead of introverts coming out of their shell to make extroverts more comfortable, the extroverts find a shell and crawl into it a bit. Or a lot.
I have a meeting via teams with my kids tutor who I hate with a passion. Every meeting I’ve ever had with her she’s said he needs to ‘come out of his shell’ and just why? He’s achieving good grades, he has a solid friendship group, what more can be gained from pushing him out of his comfort zone?
My son is funny and thinks I’m silly
If you’re alone there are three options. 1. Sit in silence and stare into the abyss. 2. Masturbate. 3. Read a book. If you aren’t doing one of these then we can’t be friends. Thems the rules.
It’s a chocolate banana. Get your minds out of the gutter.
*clutches harder to my anxiety and depression*
I wish I could block people in rl
Actually can’t confirm.
The kids say my socks are too much but I think they’re just enough!
Oh dear I woke up, opened twitter, and fell down a trump conspiracy rabbit hole. Now I’m late.
Reposted byAvatar heather
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
I’m having a Morrisons delivery and I think the driver is just going to be seething tbh that he’s having to work right now.
Reposted byAvatar heather
Reminder: If #England get beaten, so will she. #DomesticViolence increases by 26% when #England win or draw and 38% if they lose. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 on the keypad. Women- Refuge on 0808 2000 247 Men- Respect Men 0808 8010327
I saw this on Twitter and I feel it in my bones. Like, I only just found out because I’ve been busy and my reaction to my Ma saying ‘someone tried to kill DT’ was ‘so they didn’t succeed? Okay… well I thought for lunch I’d have…’
Reposted byAvatar heather
I hope someone shouted Donald duck.
Six years ago when I put those stupid water bead things in the water table. Six years and I still find the odd one dried up and stuck to the paving. Worst idea EVER.
The only thing I ever got from him. That fucking nose.
Okay I don’t understand the Bugsy Malone movie
There were a lot of likes and replies to a post i did earlier and it was very overwhelming so I’m sorry if any reply was directed to me and I didn’t reply. Introvert problems innit.
Fucking, Americans, have been eating weetabix as a biscuit.
I went to the huge effort of shaving and fake tanning my legs so I’m delighted to see that my legs are still blindingly white.