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He / Him, passion for Photography, Warhammer, Architect by Choice, idealist since birth, Millennial, Ally of Social Causes & for the Native Peoples of the Americas

Tik tok:
Avatar employees: *having a drink, enjoying a few laughs* Me: ... Sailor Mork and Sailor Gork , maybe? (sorry, morning brainfart) #WarhammerCommunity
Heavy-Armored Janissaries and Lions of Jabir for my Iron Sultanate Army in #TrenchCrusade ; I'm getting to love playing this the clockwork/steampunk/dieselpunk feel I'm putting to my minis, and painting a desert terrain for the minis is surprisingly refreshing #miniaturepainting
Okay America, what fresh new hell are you gonna give Mexico and Canada today?
So... After watching Sailor Moon Cosmos, I mustered all my fanfic-writting creative drive from ages past, and wrote a dumb thing #sailormoon
Question: has anyone ever seen this on a table, how it went? Also… what if an ork Looted it? #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k
I think today was a nice Friday, and I’m closing it with a milkshake (maybe even a beer later on 🙊).
As a Mexican citizen let me say (and I’m sorry fellow gringos): 1. I hate the Monroe Doctrine 2. I HATE the Monroe Doctrine 3. At least with democrats there’s a chance for a better outcome. #debate
And this is why, despite how aged Biden is... He's a much better option.
The one constant in my conversations about “Project 2025” is that almost everyone is taken aback by what’s in these plans, even people who really pay attention to politics - if not by how radical it is, then by how far-reaching, detailed, and aggressively explicit it is.
Reposted byAvatar ArqArtur0
I don't want to read something no-one has written. I don't want to look at something no-one has drawn. I don't want 'Happy Birthdays' no-one has wished me. And I don't want this destructive, thieving, soulless nontent sending our power and water usage into ever-more critical levels. #fuckAI
Well, my first actual Kill team tournament in a while #warhammercommunity #killteam
An idea for a Hell Priest for a Fallen faction in #trenchcrusade
Soo… question for the Ork players… as a long term thing, I wanna make a small Death Skulls force, and I wanna loot a Dunecrawler… how would you run it as? #warhammercommunity #Warhammer40k
It feels that, every day there are more and more doomer leftists youtubers, not just in the US, but also in Europe, all bemoaning how "the Extreme Right is inevitable" ... And here I fucking am, as a Leftists Mexican, telling y'all, it is not, you CAN change it #leftisbest
Reposted byAvatar ArqArtur0
Another traditional one. Ink, markers, whiteout
So... I just bought this... On the same day I decided to reduce my carbs... I had a bit with a slice of Bread, this is Dangerous xD .
*grumble grumble*
If you're happy, and you know it, overthink. 👏👏 If you're happy, and you know it, overthink. 👏👏 If you're happy, and you know it, Give your brain a chance to blow it. If you're happy, and you know it, overthink. 👏👏
Starting to work on some minis for Trench Crusade.
Comrade Brethren, I have not slept for *19 DAYS* on account of cousin Pavlov’s loud motor secks (finished my Vostroyan Firstborn) #warhammer40kcommunity #warhammer40k
Reposted byAvatar ArqArtur0
Bad News: I’ve been laid off from mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).
I wish I could do something that could actually help from my little spot in Mexico... But, for the most part, at least for now, here just my words of wisdom. Wrote this on a Tik Tok. #freepalestine #UCLA #Columbia
Everyday it feels kind of more and more that Mexico is becoming more the land of Opportunities, instead of the US.
Ceverza? Listo Comida China? Listo Enlace para el #2dodebatepresidencial2024 ? Listo Vamos, Claudia!
Finished my Redeemed Kill Team. Yes, all are painted with the old Legion color scheme; I like it better than the new scheme #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity