
I don't want to read something no-one has written. I don't want to look at something no-one has drawn. I don't want 'Happy Birthdays' no-one has wished me. And I don't want this destructive, thieving, soulless nontent sending our power and water usage into ever-more critical levels. #fuckAI
"If you couldn't be bothered to write it, why should I bother to read it?"
It's ironic as he basically copied what you wrote but made it worse? Was he doing an impression of AI?
He was going for specific technical accuracy, rather than for the strongly emotional message. And that's some sort of explanation in itself, I think ;)
"I don't want happy birthdays no one has wished me" also applies to automatic happy birthday messages from banks and phone providers. Which I mean, yeah please make those illegal fucking hell
butbutbut these people spend hours and hours meticulously curating their prompts to get the slop they desire from the pool of stolen work. You just don't understand! Etc. and so on, blahblah.
I don’t want to read something everyone has written or look at something everyone has drawn. Just my two cents but that seems to better encapsulate the technicalities of these type of Gen AIs.
And man, telling me what I really meant to say. I will call you out, every fucking one of you. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
You can call it a well actually but whatev. I wasn’t trying to convince you or anyone of anything. My 2 cents I said clearly. Saying an LLM creates something new is technically wrong given they are probabilistic machines based on a corpus of what is most frequently in combination. Have a nice day.
The mansplaining just keeps coming Why do you assume I don't understand? Why do you need to explain something every professional creative already knows? Why do you think we fight so hard to protect our work and livelihoods? You seem like a smart enough guy. Please think Chart by Kim Goodwin
Muted him after his first pass and a peek at his (fairly reasonable) timeline. Immediate block when he doubled down. Boys, go fig.
He honestly seemed like a decent enough chap, which is all the more baffling. LET ME EXPLAIN TO YOU WHAT YOU REALLY MEANT TO SAY. Why do they do it? He's the psychologist, maybe he can explain it to himself ;)
You could just stop.
Would you like to share my popcorn, cos I don't think he's gonna stop.
Sure, I got nowhere to be.