
I’m genuinely shocked. I knew they were going to try and help him, but I really thought it would be in a more deniable way
BREAKING: The Supreme Court holds, 6-3, that a former president is absolutely immune from prosecution for actions within their "conclusive and preclusive" authority and presumptively immune from prosecution for all official acts. More to come at Law Dork:
Law Dork | Chris Geidner | The Supreme Court, law, politics, and more. Click to read Law Dork, by Chris Geidner, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
It's the fact that it's SO FUCKING BLATANT that makes it shocking. It's unusual to be shocked and completely unsurprised at the same time.
i mean, presidents are immune to prosecution for war crimes, it shouldn't be surprising that they're immune to prosecution for lesser crimes too