Daniel 🦁

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Daniel 🦁


I want to live in a world with less trauma and more love.
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Where is the 20 step plan of specific, concrete actions the dems plan to take to codify abortion rights, with proof they will try it over and over and over and over again until eventually it passes? Or do they think just telling people to enjoy the camps is enough to protect reproductive rights
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The democrats don't have that. No hefty volume containing a specific set of concrete actions for such as codifying abortion rights, or trans rights, or the regulatory apparatus, etc. There is of course the old standbys of "VOTE" and "enjoy the camps," though
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Why do the republicans have a 900 page book of specific actions they plan to take, backed up with 50 years of small local victories making them possible, and the democrats don't? Where is the democrats' version of that
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Absolutely incredible transparency here, it's like an X-ray of the establishment id
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this. [unconditional love]
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An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essentialwww.thelancet.com By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
the french election shows what can happen with a better voting system that allows more parties you simply can't get results like that with a primitive voting system
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Nine months later, genocide continues with the enthusiastic support of most western institutions and states. No matter how much else is going on, no matter how sweet these sunny summer days are, we can’t lose our humanity and let this become normalized. #freePalestine #CeasefireNow
centrism is the foundation that the right is built on without the support of the centrists, the right would not have sufficient numbers to enact their policies
people are upset the right has a plan to make things worse i'm more concerned that centrists not only have no plan to make things better, they actively oppose and prevent popular improvements the left wants without real actions, opposing the right is performative
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A new “continuous sidewalk” in Kitchener. The design differs from regular sidewalks in that it doesn’t dip down to road level at intersections. It continues at an uninterrupted height. This slows cars turning onto the street, and it also reinforces pedestrian priority through the intersections.
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if only there was a word for "displacing" an "entire population" of people using "military ground operations"
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | CNNwww.cnn.com Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
haven't read the Project 2025 thing, is it a plan for whoever wins the election to increase police funding then kill and imprison more Black people?
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“At least five journalists were killed in attacks by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours in Gaza as bombings and air strikes across the besieged enclave intensified.”
Five journalists killed as Israel steps up bombardment across Gazawww.aljazeera.com Journalist couple Amjad Jahjouh and Wafa Abu Dabaan and their children were killed in a strike on the Nuseirat camp.
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cars ruin cities
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A good public transit system should be just as effective as driving. An excellent public transit service would make driving seem ridiculous. The only reason we don't have that is because we decided not to fund it. It's a simple as that.
the idea that we don't have permission to ask for more from our politicians, or even to demand better politicians, is wrong we have every right, and in fact we must demand better, for our own quality of life, and for our fellow human being's lives too
if Democrats could stop fascism after the election, why don't they start right now?
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If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
"i am willing to vote for a murderer" "all presidents have been murderers" yeah, because people are willing to vote for murderers, you get more of what you tolerate
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The New York Times is right wing—like every news paper—and when Hillary lost in 2016, they said “we need to appease conservatives immediately,” but no election ever made them think about appeasing progressives. Ever
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You can’t make murder right. You can never fix that. And you’ve done it more than 35,000 times. The media no longer reports on Gaza at all, to my knowledge. I have no idea how high the death toll is now
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asked about the importance of preventing fascism in america, president biden replied "it's the thought that counts"
tired: victorian houses haunted by children who died there wired: intersections haunted by children who died there
these days i can't read many essays without feeling an irrational urge to scroll down to the recipe skip the preamble, just get to the point
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if our democracy only allows us to choose between two pro-genocide candidates then in what sense is it really a democracy?
we can't elect a centrist to prevent the right wing, because centrist move right as the right moves further right centrism *enables* the right rather than opposing it
i think it's completely unreasonable to expect just one person to lead a whole country when you wouldn't expect just one person to control your whole family unless you do have one person in your family who is dominating and insists on controlling everyone else, then it would seem normal to you
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Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children”www.hollywoodreporter.com The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
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The Venn diagram of posters who complain about cyclists breaking the law and posters who complain about cameras giving them a ticket when they break the law is a circle.