
If you don't want to see the picture of RFK Jr. posing with a dead dog, either temporarily disable images in your browser before reading the Vanity Fair piece or use this site:
He says it's a goat and now, in 2024, it is a campaign issue about the species of a BBQ'd carcass in a tasteless photo. America deserves this.
Via CNN: "while sidestepping accusations of sexual assault levied by a former nanny in the magazine, saying, 'I’m not a church boy.'" That is not very skillful sidestepping.
Great country we have, where you have to deny that you posed with (and ate) a dead dog but some youthful sexual assaults (at the tender age of 44) are of little concern.
Right? "Oh, yeah ... that whole thing with the babysitter. NOT my best week. Crazy times, right?" ExCUSE me?