Ashley M. Gjøvik

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Ashley M. Gjøvik

This is my true-crime-podcast of a Twitter account focused on my whistleblower legal battle with my ex-employer, Apple Computer

JD, but tweets ≠ legal advice

On Monday, Apple & I have Part 2 of civil 26f meet/confer. The first meet/confer I actually agreed to talk to them without a recording or witness. Then on Fri they starting accusing me of crap, so I told them now on Mon we need a recording or witness. Today they said: no witnesses or paper trail...
I really like that my federal civil Gjovik v Apple lawsuit docket is open to the public on PACER & people can easily follow along. However the US Dept of Labor hazardous waste whistleblower case doesn't use PACER. So today I created a public docket for that case here:
I told Apple they can email their updates then instead. They also owe me a ton of information they still have not sent - but instead they are nagging me about my assignments (that are blocked waiting for that information from them). Apple's definitely keeping the 'Enron meets Waco' theme going.
Agreed! In California, semiconductor fab has its own hazard code (because its off the charts hazardous), and is supposed to be "heavy industrial" zoned land. Heavy Industrial needs a buffer between it and anything non-industrial (residential, commercial, etc). It should not be in a city center.
While digging through public records tonight, I found some photos a city inspector took of Apple's skunkworks fab at 3250 Scott Blvd in 2022. Look at this! A NFPA 4-4-4-₩ Fire Diamond is exactly what I want outside my bedroom. (This is sarcasm - the building is basically a 💣).
In case you're not familiar, National Fire Protection Association established these 4 quadrant diamond warning signs to make it easier for fire fighters to quickly assess hazards. 4-4-4 means it can explode without provocation, its extremely flammable, & any exposure can kill you
That bottom space is for special hazards, and one of Apple's 4-4-4 signs has a crossed out W, which means that the substances "react violently" with water. So if there was an explosion or fire, absolutely no water should be used. So we just burn alive in our beds. Thanks, Apple.
I've also posted this US EPA report on my websites, so there's a dedicated URL & ability to save to Internet Archive. (I got a few requests!). Here's just the report: Or the report & all attachments:
🧵 In 2020, I nearly died from mysterious industrial chemical exposure at my apartment. Later, I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste into our windows from their Skunkworks semiconductor fab next-door. I tipped off US EPA, who then raided them in 2023. EPA sent me the report on Friday. 💀 ⬇️
I also found some high-res photos of that children's playground located directly next to Apple's little shop of horrors...
One of the first things I did after receiving a copy of this US EPA report on 4/21 was filing a request for judicial notice of the report by the Judge in my US Dept of Labor env whistleblower lawsuit. Apple had two weeks to respond. Apple decided to pretend like it doesn't exist.
🧵 In 2020, I nearly died from mysterious industrial chemical exposure at my apartment. Later, I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste into our windows from their Skunkworks semiconductor fab next-door. I tipped off US EPA, who then raided them in 2023. EPA sent me the report on Friday. 💀 ⬇️
🧵 I discovered something very weird last night. Apple had a bunch of chemical spills/leaks at 3250 Scott (you'll hear more about this soon!) & city HazMat helped keep it quiet, but in 2020 a Cal gov official requested a copy of a 2019 incident report for phosphine & silane leaks…
In 2019, Apple said they were purging their phosphine & silane lines, but failed to put the system "in test" first, which resulted in a toxic gas alarm. Apple said it was a "normal process for them." HazMat said ok & redacted Apple's name. It seemed odd but no venting that time.
This is where it gets bizarre. Remember: Apple still had not registered this facility for semiconductor fab & it was a skunkworks R&D building only city HazMat knew about. So why is a California Energy Commission leader filing a city Public Records Request for this exact report?
I really like that my federal civil Gjovik v Apple lawsuit docket is open to the public on PACER & people can easily follow along. However the US Dept of Labor hazardous waste whistleblower case doesn't use PACER. So today I created a public docket for that case here:
True! California has always been a mess. Made me think about the graft trials too:
I had no idea that the first corporate personhood case was out of Santa Clara County or that it was decided so arbitrarily. In retrospect, I guess it seems appropriate that the idea came out of the Missions and Defense/Silicon Valley.
"This is the longest duration Excessive Heat Warning we have ever issued at the NWS Bay Area Office." I hope people are careful if they can, and that San Jose and SF offer cooling centers. Most of SF doesn't even have A/C. This sounds like it could be really challenging for a lot of people.
I've been preparing for upcoming Gjovik v Apple lawsuit deadlines. I'll be working on all this through the weekend too. Upcoming: - 7/8: Meet/confer with Apple's lawyers part 2 - 7/9: Joint Case Mgmt statement & initial disclosures due - 7/16: 1st Case Mgmt Conference The Conf is open to the public!
This year's SF LaborFest schedule was just announced & I'll be speaking on July 23rd about Silicon Valley toxic waste dumps, public health, worker safety, & my lawsuit against Apple Computer over Apple's toxic business practices.
Events for July 2024 – LaborFest Apple in silicon valley had an office built on a toxic dump site and workers were getting sick from the fumes. When Apple's senior engineering program manager reported it to Apple, they refused to tak...
There's a Part Three. Let me know when you're ready.
🧵 I’m sorry to do this to you, but there’s a Part 2. I waited to share this part because I worried most of you'd not be able to handle all of this at once. But you’ve had a week to recover, so let’s dive into how Apple execs are giving themselves bonuses as a reward for illegal dumping! ⬇️
I love how many of you have been buying me red pens!! Not any kind of pen -- only red pens. Assumably for correcting all of Apple's lies.❤️ 🖊️ 💀 🔥
🍎 🛢️ ☠️
🧵 I’m sorry to do this to you, but there’s a Part 2. I waited to share this part because I worried most of you'd not be able to handle all of this at once. But you’ve had a week to recover, so let’s dive into how Apple execs are giving themselves bonuses as a reward for illegal dumping! ⬇️
Here's a photo with helpful perspective on how close the houses are to the factory:
Before I moved out of the apartment next to Apple's stealth semiconductor fab, I set up a tVOC (chemical vapor/gases) monitor that recorded a week of data for export. (below) It didn't make any sense at the time, because it looked like air pollution from an automated mechanical exhaust system....
That's what happens to you if you stand near their exhaust vents for too long
Yeah, its a double clean-up at least. There's the Superfund groundwater plume (which they keep claiming is gone but won't publish test results), and then also a local toxic waste clean up in the soil and groundwater under the apartments. It's the perfect location for Apple to low key dump.