Godless Hedgehog

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Godless Hedgehog


Former Christian Republican (40+ yrs). Grateful for the Information Age. Still finding my way in a world I wasn't raised to understand. Poorly educated but not an idiot. Mom to grown kids who I made sure were not poorly educated. I value kindness.
I’ve had this little guy in my bedroom for six days because someone left him in a dumpster and we’re waiting for a rescue organization to find him a foster home. He’s a handful but his little goblin face brings me joy. 😊
I know I don’t post a lot, but I hope someone will see/share this because I really want to get some input from others as I figure out how to proceed. This very good boy, who currently resides in my bedroom (bc 5 cats in our house), was abandoned in a dumpster on a 111-degree day in Phoenix.
He was found by a homeless person who brought him to a methadone clinic, and an employee there asked my daughter if she’d take him home. The likely alternative was him being passed around between homeless people, so I told her to go ahead and bring him and we’d get him to a shelter or something.
Once he was here, we saw evidence that he’d been mistreated. He has a scabby scar on his neck from being tied up. His nose was sunburned and peeling. And of course there’s that whole “left in a dumpster” thing.
I am not going to survive this summer. 😣
My son messaged me and asked if he could still use his cast iron pan that got a crack in it. I thought maybe one of y’all might know? He’s in China, so it’s not always easy to get online and find answers.
Yeah, someone definitely told him.
Okay so is my therapist Barry Manilow or his mother?
So I was just cleaning up some stuff on my back patio before the summer heat hits and I moved a dusty storage tub and OH MY GOD 😱!!! I mean obviously he’s dead but there was a time he wasn’t dead and I’m glad that wasn’t the day I decided to clean up. 😱😱😱
I have this image on a tee shirt. I also have curly hair. Yesterday someone at my doctor’s office asked me if that was me on my tee shirt. Why would I wear a tee shirt of myself? 😂
Tiny just reminded me it’s Caturday. 😺
At the grocery store right now (north Phoenix). November is coming. Be there. It will be wild.
My son lives in China and I can only talk to him using the WeChat app, where I am not allowed to say “Taiwan”. 😂
I believe this is Doug hanging out on his rooftop. 😊
Why is this not called Dr Peeper?
Sometimes it’s just a hard stomp. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My beautiful kitty was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes this morning. I am heartbroken because I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford her lifelong care. I have to make some decisions about how to go forward and would appreciate any input from anyone who’s dealt with this. Very stressed rn. 😓
Four years ago today my son sent me this message from Vietnam.
I replied with these pics I took at the grocery store.
My son is staying in one of those pod hotels in Japan. I feel like I’m seeing the view from inside the microwave.
The things you see at the laundromat. 🐐🤷🏻‍♀️