
NEW: The Cass Review conducted focus groups with gender diverse youth and young adults who had personal experience with gender-affirming care in England. Then it buried them. Read about the hidden youth perspectives and experiences of the Cass Report, on on Assigned Media:
The Buried Trans Youth Perspectives of the Cass Review — We got into the weeds on the Cass Review website to surface the youth perspectives Cass ignored in a report that seems certain to further limit options for gender dysphoric youth in England.
The most amusing thing we found was a detrans focus group participant whose responses indicated their anger at not getting testosterone fast enough and a belief that the assessment process at GIDS was too onerous.
every instance where i have interacted with detrans in any way. They were going to try again in the future, and members of the trans community attacking them detransing was very harming. This was ontop of the reason for detransing which was lack of support, and unecessary barriers.
Btw, shameless plug but here’s some interviews I did for a series focusing on documenting trans youth. If you really want to know what is going on in America with trans kids, this can give you a better idea than the cass review.
Giving a Voice to the Interviews with trans and gender nonconforming kids
Those focus groups are heartbreaking to read. It’s frustrating that they had them and then spent half the review talking about clinicians who “felt pressured into giving hormones”. Patient needs come first, I’m sorry.
the biases run so deep, i shouldn't be shocked at brazenness at this point but there keeps being more of it