
I've been moving house and highly distracted, so today I'm making an overdue thread on why you, yes you, should support Assigned Media today. Assigned is one of very few independent news outlets covering the trans moral panic. Our founder, writers and workers are overwhelmingly trans ourselves.
The impact of our journalism, particularly when it comes to fact checks and holding mainstream outlets accountable for their bias is undeniable. Just today we're working on an update to our Jamie Reed coverage showing the impact of our work in the legal fight over gender-affirming care in MO.
But, and you knew it was coming, we cannot survive in the frankly punishing media environment without YOUR HELP. And there are a TON of ways that you can help us out. The first, and most obvious way to help is by chipping in a few bucks a month to help pay our amazing freelancers.
Support —
If you're the sort of person who thinks donating to media organizations you love is great, but you'd kinda like to get something in return, another option is our subscriber's only newsletter, at $5/month. (You get a bonus essay from founder Evan Urquhart every Thursday with this one.)
Become a Member — Support Assigned Media by becoming a member for $5 a month and get our weekly newsletter.
But wait! What if you're a trans person in poverty and can't afford even a reasonably-priced subscription? Well, first off, thanks just for reading- you're who we're doing this for. But, you can help us out by sharing our content, sharing this thread, and telling friends and fam about Assigned!
We've made it this far with the support of our readers, and by gum we're planning on keeping going as long as the misinformation attacks on the trans community continue. Thanks for reading, and love to all our allies and especially to our trans peeps!