
Support your independent journalists, folks. Listen. There's a cohort of us who were trained (in some fashion, not always formally) in the job of reporting as it existed just before the rise of online news. Many are retired or have left the field, but the quality indies are among this group.
This drips with anti-Biden agenda. The Post has become as bad as The Times. Each is broken. CNN is broken. Big, old media are broken. Our only hope, as said on Facebook "will be a bottom-up media rather than the current corporate model."
If the chain gets broken, there won't be any easy going back. At best new people will have to re-invent the wheel after a period where there's no real reporting at all. Support high quality indies as if your ability to understand what's going on depends on it, because it does.
There are many people worthy of your support, but now we ARE going to drop our link. A monthly reoccurring donation in an amount that you can afford is particularly valuable to small news sites in uncertain times.
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