
Technically I think I'm sort of homeless for the next 10 hours? Flight's not for a while but I've had to move out, so I've just got my suitcases and sitting in a random spot in the department building lol. Dunno what I do with the next few hours, to be honest. Kinda tired, but can't sleep here, so..
Maybe go to the airport and get some rest there.
Can you leave your suitcases at the department and go walk around campus/the city to say goodbye/au revoir to places you like?
_shrug_ probably? But like, I'll be back in a few months anyway and tbh the one place I can think of that I'd want to go to in that sense is on the way to the metro line I need to get to JFK anyway lol. A lot of my non-dorm non-class time is in the Physics department or Chinatown anyway XD
Like I'm not gonna go to Chinatown rn lmfao
Aaaah... couldn't figure out whether you were graduating (and thus permanently leaving your university/the city's it in) or not!
One more year. Then I'll be looking for a job for good lol. And I'll probably get more time to do so (but with more stakes ofc)