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Hong Konger, Arsenal and SCAA fan, NYU Physics autistic undergrad student | he/him
Was kinda sitting on this one, forgot to post it (work has been busy and tiring). #poetry #writing #authors
Is it just me that's still kinda uncomfortable with the phrase "river to the sea"? There's much bigger problems to deal with rn obviously but...
"I don't have a dollar to my name / An acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame / All I have's my honour, a tolerance for pain" – "Helpless" from Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton" #poetry #writing #authors
Not angry at anything in particular, just finally inspired by channeling some of those emotions. #poetry #writing #authors
It's weird having completely no poem ideas recently... just nothing's really coming to me.
bit of a stupid question, but why _is_ mustard the same word as wasabi anyway?
funny how I decided a while back that I didn't want to live in fear but now one session of being guilt tripped and essentially forced by my mother to go to the mainland for a day and the fear is all back again... sometimes I wonder whether I'm more scared of my parents or the government.
Tbh if fucking Iceland with its meagre population and cold climate can beat England, Hong Kong ought to be able to too.
"Home is where the heart is." – attributed to many #poetry #writing #authors
Sometimes I get the feeling that maybe my parents aren't _that_ bad and that maybe they do care about me even if their opinions are shit, and then they go and do something like tell me to do an internship with the police. yeah no they know jack shit about me and care even less.
Seriously, that last scene in Dot and Bubble: that is Ncuti showing that he is the Doctor, so completely. Still on my mind. "LET ME SAVE YOUR LIVES"
feel like i'm spiralling a bit in other news though the Doctor Who episode today was a banger. Absolutely smashed it out of the park.
Pretty stuck on ideas recently but this one seems to have come out alright. I think. #poetry #writing #authors
starting to miss New York already... :(
Completely stuck on poetry ideas recently. A few couplets or lines come through but nothing I feel is worth working into a proper poem.
Here's a funny one from my parents today: insisting that the Iranian President is an elected position I mean technically sure but in the same way that the Soviets had democracy maybe lol. What loving Beijing and no critical thinking does to people...
Very happy with that 2-1 win against Everton, always a bogey team for us.
So why the hell is MiniPlayer for YouTube a thing in the US but not in Hong Kong? Still??
Whatever happens tonight, I'm fucking proud. We're back competing, that's all I can ask.
Ngl kinda disgusted by my parents already and it's only been like, 2 days Wdym you want me to go to Shenzhen, fuck off
Think I'm running out of even the fumes of the fumes I was running on for the past few days regarding sleep lol. Jet lag is gonna be fun.
Hello from.... Milan, where we've had to disembark for some reason. I was under the impression that stopping in Milan for the same flight meant it being the same plane...
Reposted byAvatar Astrealix
Thank you! 👏 So much focus on this or that micro-fucking-event. Oh Arsenal lost it at Villa! Spurs cost Arsenal the title? We had a terrible run before Dubai, we drew with Spurs and Chelsea. Where are we drawing the line? We've had an amazing, record-breaking season. Little more we could have done.
It's funny seeing people justify what Spurs supporters did yesterday by saying "look Lazio did it too" Are you sure you want to say you're copying the Nazi club lol.
Technically I think I'm sort of homeless for the next 10 hours? Flight's not for a while but I've had to move out, so I've just got my suitcases and sitting in a random spot in the department building lol. Dunno what I do with the next few hours, to be honest. Kinda tired, but can't sleep here, so..
Honestly not even mad, it's so funny how tinpot that fanbase was — how do you get loudest when you're 2-0 down and crashing out of UCL hopes? XD
Where's Harry Kane when you need him?
Man watching this Spurs team makes me so grateful for Arsenal.