
It's funny seeing people justify what Spurs supporters did yesterday by saying "look Lazio did it too" Are you sure you want to say you're copying the Nazi club lol.
I also found it strange, but they did not copy anyone, just hate to do favors to Arsenal If Arsenal had beaten Villa, they would be champions and nothing Spurs fans can do Especially after losing the NLD at home
Nah I'm not saying they did copy I'm saying people using it as a reference to say "look other clubs do it too" are fucking losers lol
You’re not wrong The most pathetic thing was some “fans” wanted Ange sacked if Spurs won 🤯
Honestly, gotta say I loved your Villa comparison. Favours for favours and all that. We didn't hold up our end of the bargain, so 🤷 It's OK, though: Daddy Moyes who definitely hasn't lost his dressing room is 100% going to do his old pal Mikel a solid.
Also had Arsenal beaten Villa, they would not be needing favours Also Spurs might get CL despite losing to City Now Chelsea are breathing at our necks, we better show up at Sheffield or it would be embarrassing
Honestly we just need to fucking get rid of City. You have to be basically perfect to win shit now cuz they are damn near perfect. Built on a house of oil, cheats, and financial doping.
Tbh I hope they got punished like Everton and Forest, but probably not going to be this season, if ever They have good lawyers
I hope they get dissolved and have to start over even though I know that's not possible. A decade of charges. AND obstructing those charges, AND probably more stuff they're still doing, AND they're owned by an oil state. I wish someone could make them start over as a fan-owned phoenix club.
Maybe, but never underestimate that man
Hey Arteta's a Toffee too I'm sure they can work something out...
It would be interesting