
Since I never had kids, here is my family recipe for sweet lokshen kugel. If you want to make it the way I do, use dried cherries or blueberries instead of raisins and add cardamom to taste. I also made it with dried cranberries and nutmeg for Thanksgiving once. 🍽️
But what's fun about this is that means you put your own spin on it and tweak it to your liking and now you've left your mark on the culture and there's a little bit of you going into the traditions of future generations and if that's not the most Jewish thing ever then I don't know what is.
My family’s recipe for lokshen kugel! -copy-pasted from my mom- This will make about 12 good pieces. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Spray an oven proof pan  - 9X11 or 13 pyrex or something like that with Pam 1/2 lb wide noodles (cook a…
this is very similar to mine but mine uses 1lb if noodles and 16oz each sour cream and cottage cheese. same amount of butter and sugar I think, but no apple.
Cutting the apple is my least favorite part, sometimes I use dried apple instead of fresh and it turns out fine that way too. I love how flexible and forgiving a recipe it is.
sometimes I leave out the raisins for my wife
I feel like I've made this with one stick of butter and a full pint of sour cream maybe?
And since I never had grandparents, and my mother's only hand me down recipe was blintzes, thank you! 😊
💙💙💙💙💙 it's an easy recipe, I hope it brings you joy!
Thank you! I can't wait to try!!
🥰🥰🥰 gonna make it!
I have my own incredible sweet lokshn kugel recipe…But it’s one of my favorites, so the more the merrier! Thanks :)