
every encounter with the American health insurance system is a compelling case for single payer
And should earn the patient a nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Yep. Including working inside the healthcare system. I’m positive that any sort of single payer or even hybrid system that we introduced in the US would also be frustrating. But I would have liked to try it. Maybe it wasn’t that realistic. But feels like our chances to give it a try slipped past.
Working in healthcare, my concern is we have versions of a "single payer" in a segment of the system already: Medicare. If this is outsourced as we have done with Medicare Advantage, the system becomes rife with opportunities to game the system for less quality, less service and higher cost.
"if this is outsourced" yeah it shouldn't be and that's a problem with medicare and with any future single payer we might dare to dream about
Giving the side-eye to private equity and PBMs (pharmacy benefit manager entities" ... not saying they're the problem, but they are A problem.
I'm deeply embroiled in this right now and am about to file medical bankruptcy for the second time. I have to wait until all of the testing is done first for my issues so I can compile all of the bills together and do everything at once.
Oh, jeez. That's so much to carry, I'm sorry you're going through it.