
Just to be clear: Right wing ELECTED Congress members blocked Obama's scotus picks and packed the courts with Trump's picks. Every horror and fascist we are seeing was put there by rightwing lockstep mobilized voters. Voting works and it is working very very well for the right.
I never want to hear "voting doesn't work or matter" when the party that actually shows up to the booths is getting everything their craven little black hearts desire.
specifically, voting matters, which is why the GOP have worked for decades to erode our access to it. i just wish the power voting still holds was more apparent even as rome burns
It won't with that attitude. Make it a pain in the ass for em run those election coffers dry and make them work for every person they turn away or demand ID from. Rolling out the red carpet ontop of yourself simply because you are used to being walked on is insane.
i’m voting this year, make no mistake. the past few days have really turned me around on its continued importance. but i think what also helped was coming to understand that leftism must use all available tools, not just declare the state failed on all accounts and wait for the revolution
basically there’s no one size fits all method for making the world better, you use the tools that are suited to each task. you can’t vote away climate change or capitalism but that doesn’t make the vote worthless. it just means you vote where the vote is needed, and fix the other stuff by… y’know