
Moderation is a crucial aspect of social networks. However, traditional moderation systems leave communities vulnerable to sudden policy changes and mismanagement. To build a better social media ecosystem, it's necessary to try new approaches.
Bluesky's Moderation Architecture | Moderation is a crucial aspect of any social network. However, traditional moderation systems often lack transparency and user control, leaving communities vulnerable to sudden policy changes and pote...
The AT Protocol is an open network of services that anyone can provide. We separate moderation into a dedicated service called the Labeler. Labelers produce "labels" associated with user-generated content, which clients can read to decide what to hide, blur, or drop.
The Bluesky app hardcodes our in-house moderation and allows users to subscribe to additional moderation services on top. Other applications may choose their own core moderators, or use Bluesky’s. This provides a strong foundation while giving users more options.
Labels can be defined at the protocol level or custom-made by Labelers. They can be informational, topical, curational, or moderational. Users can tune how the application handles these labels.
Reporting content is an important part of moderation. Users can choose which of their active Labelers to report to, giving them control over who should be informed of an issue.
Infrastructure providers like Relays focus on combating network abuse and mitigating infrastructure-level harms, while clients and labelers handle more granular content moderation decisions.
Bluesky's open labeling system is a significant step towards a more transparent, user-controlled, and resilient way to do moderation. We encourage developers, users, and organizations to get involved in shaping the future of moderation on Bluesky.
Reporting needs to be defined in more detail.
Thank you for thoughtful improvements! Moderation is also the other face of Censorship, and vice versa. Please keep the abuse potential in mind - abuse not just by individuals, but also by organisations, and states. And maybe add a section on how the labelling approach avoids, or handles, abuse.
Labelers have to operate under the labeler community guidelines which you can find here:
These are guidelines; and yes, that's a section of thought being given. But these rules are asking nicely. Doesn't help against bad intentions, or conviction. You need structural (and a bit of technical) protection against these threats. And about meta-moderation: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
If you click on the post and read the thread Paul says they indeed review and remove labels. Not sure why you think it’s just “asking nicely”, that’s not the intent here
... "they", that's the point. You don't get what I'm talking about, do you. I'm glad bluesky themselves have given it a bit more thought.
I really hope that the moderation works out, if not then this will just be twitter 2.0
Question…. Is there a way that perhaps… You can have 2 separate categories…. One labeled “Friends” in which you follow each other, and another labeled “followers”…. For when the ravaging spam bots start preying ruthlessly and endlessly upon the “herd”…
Kindly explain this apparent corrupt moderation declaration. You have declared this man's ENTIRE account as intolerance when others have done far worse and are BOOSTED.
Will the covers from label moderation be updated? It's a pain to tap a clue link to see how and why something has been labeled.
I'm still waiting to send y'all my resume....
Please help me (& others), 1 I got a warning from Bluesky, appealed it via email as instructed but got back an email saying to do it within the site. I cannot figure out where to do it! (My offense was that I went to the "Newbies" feed & said howdy to new users. I was being nice.)
2 This made me feel awful. Joining Bluesky can feel like shouting into the void. Not only should Bluesky NOT be sending out warnings to people like me, you should be encouraging us. I hope someone sees this. I couldn't find an official place & want to follow your instructions as closely as I can.
Dear bluesky developers – I want to set up an account with bluesky for a small nfp environmental group - how do I establish an institutional account?
Theyve been open source the whole time. Indigo repo, “bigsky” is the binary