
New in PN: The destruction of the regulatory state is already upon us "Anytime a business doesn’t like a federal rule, it can just sue. It promises to be a free-for-all ... and any moves Biden makes for workers will fail once they reach a right-wing judge"
The destruction of the regulatory state is already The post-Chevron world is here.
Here in FL, the GOP passed a law that allows an entity to claim economic injury in response to any local regulation that interferes with or reduces profitability of their business. It was passed in response to local gov. enacting min. wage increases, but it applies to environmental regs, too.
FL, LA, AL, & TX are testing grounds for some of the worst of Project 2025.
Also, any time an agency enforces a rule against a violator, the violator can demand a jury trial, which will drain agency enforcement budgets, and delay enforcement by many years.
I read this and I really like your framing of the issue. Please keep hammering away on the ways that businesses and their political allies are determined to make the lives of the vast majority of Americans miserable.
American democracy lasted from about the mid-1960s until now. About a 60 year run. Now we enter corrupt authoritarianism or worse … unless we can stop it. Biden is NOT helping
A convicted felon stacked the SC with three Heritage Foundation fascists so what would you have Biden do?
Exactly and if Biden wins, he may be able to appoint two more liberal justices.
Expand and pack the court with judges who respect the constitution and democracy
Per the Constitution only Congress has the power to expand the SC so in order for that to happen we need the House and Senate majority.
Then Biden needs to use his influence as president to ensure that happens.
And those opposed to federal regulations can keep getting a bite of the apple by suing as the statute of limitations is approaching by instantiating a new entity to claim injury under the law. SCOTUS has likely exposed the judiciary to a flood of lawsuits.