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Potato headed Specialist Biomedical Scientist (Microbiology).
- It's not you I'm staring at, it's your bacteria.
Jonathan Meades is publishing another novel soon (Empty Wigs). Very much looking forward to this. I absolutely loved Pompey which is both a masterpiece and one of the funniest, darkest most deliciously unpleasant books ever to find their way into print.
Not been down this road before, but these two huge, purple/black trees are magnificent. Picture doesn't do them justice. Don't know what they are, I'm afraid.
I'm too embarrassed to tell you how many strawberries I've eaten this morning. No, it's more than that.
I used to be a proportional rep supporter, but I have to say we'd be in a much worse state now if it wasn't for fptp. insulating us from the appalling people we were voting for. Like endless pizza and doughnuts, sometimes we need to be protected from what we want because what we want is awful.
Played this through, then turned straight back to side one to listen again. Superb. Came from Mr. Bongo in Brighton. #nowplaying
I thought I'd accidentally bought Reform UK marmalade, but I'd just misread "Thick Cut".
In more important news, I've got some Lidl strawberries and they're okay, but not a patch on Morrison's Scottish.
Duvet covers with zip closures are fucking brilliant
Interesting numbers in God's own constituency compared to 2019. Does Ms Cooper have the Reform guy (who's a bottom slapper if I ever saw one) to thank, or was it the Lib Dems holding their noses and voting tactically?
Disappointed that Farage's pants did not get shat in.
I do hope everyone shits in Farage's pants today.
The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
I do hope everyone shits in Farage's pants today.
If I wake up even more out of Europe, or with Jeremy "Utter" Hunt as health secretary again I'm going to swim to France.
Public service announcement: These Scottish strawberries from Morrison's are ruddy gorgeous.
That "already voted" feeling.
Vote in pants so people know you're serious.
What on Earth is going on with America? Turning fascist but they can't even find a proper dictator.
The Right Honourable Peter Bottomley thinks I can't see him because he broke the street lamp with a stone earlier. My plan is to climb out the back window to vote in the morning.
Vote-fest tomorrow. Peter Bottomley Will finally stop hanging around outside, trying to catch my eye before I close the curtains.
I feel a man called Boris who has secret meetings with rich ex KGB agents should be asked questions about his finances more than he is.
Reading The Three Body Problem. No idea what the fucking heck is going on.
Just had a waffle cone 99 from a seafront ice cream van. £5.50 but worth every penny. Lovely. Had to stare down a couple of seagulls.
Labour are definitely spending more on campaigning. The only Conservative leaflet I've had was a hand written piece of torn off ring binder from Peter Bottomley saying "Come on old boy, weren't we at school together?"
This old thing is going in for MOT tomorrow so I thought I'd take it for a blast and blow the cobwebs away. Radiator hose has split so I'm driving home in two mile chunks after cooling down.
I see articles, particularly on Covid that talk about your vaccine protecting you, so you might not become infected. The purpose of your vaccine was to boost your immune response. To be clear: if your blood is fighting off a virus, you are infected.
The albums Lady Gaga did with Tony Bennett are fucking masterpieces. She can measure her voice and vocal skill against anybody and his aged like expensive leather. Great music to listen to while watching the sun set.
Is anyone else in the UK fucking terrified to go to sleep on election night in case it all goes to shit again while we're asleep?
I have a bad knee so trying to lose some weight, but whenever I catch myself in the mirror, or on a video call when I'm trying to look like I'm listening, I can't help noticing I'm looking more evil. Not serial killer evil, more boring; O'Brien from 1984
Jesus, Mary and the wee donkey, is that Ted Hastings driving this minibus?
Avatar if I briefly unfollowed you, it's only because my finger twitched on the screen!