Iain Coleman

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Iain Coleman


Writer/Producer of the Thought & Belief channel on YouTube https://youtube.com/@thoughtbelief
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One of my pet peeves is the modern usage of the word “wight” as a type of ghost or undead creature, because it’s purely fantasy guys misunderstanding Tolkien’s “barrow-wights” which just means “mound men” more or less. Wight is just the equivalent male term paired with “wyf” (wife, ie woman)
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Excellent advice for UK folks on how to effectively pressure your MPs
This is really important now — lots of very thin majorities, even (especially!) for Labour MPs. MPs will still be thinking about campaigns right now, where in a fairly short time they'll be thinking about being an MP for five years. Get them thinking about the issues that matter to you — now!
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Seen some kick off about this because they’ve decided it’s telling them they must use titles. By all means drop Sir & call him Starmer: most UK papers do. But if you’re offering your opinion on UK politics & call him “Prime Minister Starmer”, it sounds like you don’t know much about UK politics 🤷🏻‍♀️
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The clear lesson Farage needs to learn from the Lib Dems is that you get more seats by doing stunts. But because his voters are rock hard, unlike those woke yoghurt drinkers, the stunts he does should all be exceptionally dangerous
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Things Can Only Get Better is the wrong vibe for this moment, so Starmer is going to come on to the podium to the sound of Brian Cox explaining the inevitable heat death of the universe.
The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
Nice to see Keir Starmer sharing a moment with the very hot Tory candidate. Ever the gentleman.
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It's good that on a night like this we can come together as a nation and laugh at George Galloway losing. Farewell, Twat In The Hat, don't let the door hit you on your way out and don't come back.
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just realised that one of many problems with starmer is that when i think of holborn i can’t actually picture any residences, which makes me think he’s been elected by the staff of about eighteen different prets and five wasabis
Fuckity-bye, Gorgeous George.
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
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Hey. If you have ever been somewhere near David Tennant and are semi-randomly approached to see if you have any anecdotes about David Tennant, assume it's enemy action. Sorry for vagueness.
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It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
Fuck. Switched to Channel 4 and the first thing I saw was Wes Streeting's massive sweaty head.
Rees-Mogg with the dazed look of a man who has been repeatedly punched in the head. Which, by a curious coincidence, is exactly what I
Well we've learned one thing, there's 11,668 cunts in Sutherland.
It's the King I feel sorry for. He's so going to miss his little chats with Rishi.
Election night curry finished, election night drinks and snacks ready to go. Now it's the painfully slow crawl towards the exit poll. The main result is obvious, but it's so hard to gauge how badly the Tories will do, how well the Lib Dems will do, how many Reform headbangers will get elected...
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Starmer has the opportunity to do something quite funny on the steps of Downing St on Friday
If you can't forgive the Lib Dems for their U-turn on tuition fees, but can forgive Labour for the UK's participation in the Iraq war, then you are fundamentally morally broken.
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Incidentally, Bara’s lost career is a prime example of why trashing, well, trash is so bad. The vamp fad was extremely brief, less than five years. Vamps were incredibly uncool for years and vamp films were an embarrassment that didn’t deserve serious preservation efforts.
Theda Bara in CARMEN, one of two rival versions released in 1915. The Geraldine Ferrar film survived in the personal vault of director Cecil B DeMille but almost all of Bara’s films were lost in a series of vault fires.
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As much as this makes Americans, those who imitate them, and teenage Maoists who imitate American teenage Maoists unhappy, "liberal" is a word with a pedigree and it does not mean anyone you dislike!
People will go online and say anything. "Paul von Hindenburg was a liberal." No he wasn't. That's not true.
I read this every Burns Night. Always a hit.
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
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I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
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Some young people on here may not even remember the Brexit "will it happen??" years because they were like ten back then but man, let me tell you, the tiny minority of leftists who constantly contrived excuses for wanting to end freedom of movement hurt a lot more than Farage and May.
Oh, I feel you. I've encountered this subtype of idiocy before and it genuinely hurts more than rightwing xenophobia because at least outright racists dont pretend their politics are concocted for our benefit.
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Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
Interesting label on my bottle of wine tonight. I'd never considered sticking it in the microwave before, perhaps I'll give it a try.