
It is becoming increasingly clear to me that Biden (and/or his team) is either unwilling or unable to pursue the basic strategy of "make someone point a television camera at you". If they're unwilling I have serious concerns about the campaign. If they're unable all his critics are correct.
Again, the best thing Biden can do to fight the "too old to campaign" narrative is to get out & campaign
Every criticism I’ve heard, and there have been many, have been around his ability to speak clearly, and he called into Morning Joe this morning. That’s not breaking through to headline news because he spoke normally.
They've done a lot of letter-writing & a lot of call-in interviews. I think they've acknowledged that Biden looks extremely old, & they're doing their best to paper over it until it's a moot point. Not sure it's the best solution, but there are no good solutions to "the president is old & gross"
But also I have seen him on TV a whole bunch? They’ve aired his rally speeches, on the tarmac answering press questions, the interview? we can disagree on it not being enough, but he hasn’t exactly been hiding.
He's been doing campaign events with a crowd. Which he's using a teleprompter for, but there's plenty of opportunity to point a camera at him.
This is what I mean by the first point. They aren't going to cover rallies. But you can do things that they _will_ almost certainly cover.