
Yeah, the thing is that Biden saying he's staying in means nothing because campaigns say they're staying in until the minute they don't. Of course, they also say they're staying in if they're actually staying in.
either there are preparations happening in secret to replace Biden or he’s staying. the decision may have been made already, but the public shouldn’t know until the new campaign is fully ready to deploy. Biden stepping down without a fully fleshed out plan in place would be criminal incompetence.
I think that the closest thing to a signal we would get is that Biden starts talking more about his administration than himself personally.
I actually like Biden. I don’t think that Biden he is the ideal candidate at this point. But I don’t think there’s enough time to vet another candidate. I was born into a political family. I have seen the careers of many, many promising “next big thing” politicians crater. there are no sure things.
thinking about this a little more, a positive for Biden is that we can be fairly confident there will not be an October surprise (other than health) that would not also hurt any other Democratic nominee. Harris is probably the second safest bet. anyone else… who knows what’s in their closet.