
A Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies explains why politicizing the definition of anti-Semitism in the U.S.— (1) is itself anti-Semitic (2) makes Jews less safe (3) is largely used to target Arabs and Muslims
How Weaponizing Antisemitism Puts Jews at The blanket assertion by pro-Israel advocates of rampant antisemitism at demonstrations shields Israel from legitimate criticism, writes Raz Segal.
I just got banned from reddit for this very reason. I posted about how the genocide in Gaza is wrong, and an admin perma-banned my account. He called me a neo-Nazi anti-semite. The amount of gaslighting is just insane.
The fact that so many are conflating support for Palestinians as anti-Jew is astounding. What knucklehead can’t figure out that it’s entirely possible to support both Jews & Palestinians?
I agree with Jean Paul Sartre. Whatever Jewish people do, it would lead to antisemitism.
The Right weaponizing antisemitism does not change the fact that the Left has had a huge antisemitism problem for decades now and the standard response from Jews on the Left (which I took part in) was to give that antisemitism a pass "for the greater good", the end result putting us in danger.
The principal danger to Jews in the US comes from White Supremacists, who are MUCH more likely to be right wing than left wing. Don't take it from me; the FBI keeps track of these things. If the "Left" has an antisemitism problem, the right has a much greater one.
That was true until Oct 7th. Now, not so much. You're using the same "the Right is more dangerous so we should give Left Wing antisemitism a pass" rhetoric that the Left (including myself) has used for decades. No more passes.
As long as you spend effort on the right wing proportional to their greater antisemitism, and also don't equate "any criticism of anything whatsoever that Israel ever does" with "antisemitism" I'm fine with it.
I've spent over 15 years tracking Right Wing extremism while giving Left Wing antisemitism a pass. They've put me on "hit lists" for it. I'm not about to stop tracking the Right just because I'm no longer willing to give the Left special treatment and ignore their antisemitism.
An this point, Israel killing philistines is anti-semitism if you remember that phalestines or as you call, Palestinians, they are also semites... Who is killing semites today? Israeli invading Gaza is Semitic fratricide... Hamas invading Israel also Semitic fratricide? But who is the bigger issue?
Hey just FYI there's no such thing as a Semitic person. There's a Semitic language group but even that terminology is outdated. It's come up in a couple of threads lately, including details on why we're not supposed to hyphenate antisemitism any more.
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