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British Californian
Nazis are bad
Climate change is real
COVID isn't over
Anecdotal observation from local grocery stores: after a year in lockup, the deodorant and baby food is quietly being freed and everyone is pretending they didn't just fall for some lobbyist dipshit's made-up numbers. Hope they all go out of business and are replaced by actual ethical companies tbh
How the hell do you “not look at COVID from a public health perspective”? If you can keep the mass death away from the forefront of your mind in that situation, you might be a Nazi
Remember when we banned TikTok because our autocratic adversaries might use propaganda to try and undermine faith in institutions and erode trust in the very idea of objective truth - using covert, subversive tactics on social media?
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
the early days of file sharing were an adventure “is this my file? is this seventeen minutes of Swiss goat yodeling? is this going to cause 47 porn popups a minute the second one of my parents sits down at the computer?” “how to unfuck my machine” is a skill we don’t often need anymore
a lot of people are really determined to forget how wildly hostile the internet was before locked down OSes, aggressive sandboxing, mandatory-ish codesigning, forced security updates, etc got malware somewhat under control
Rich people hate the internet because it lets people they always told themselves envy them tell them what they really think about them.
This, dammit! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Whether you like it or not, the fight against transphobia is one of the key fights against fascism of our generation. You're living through it right now. Sitting and watching and doing nothing is an action that favours the fascists and they will not stop
This announcement is provided by the US Quarterly Self-Employed Tax Payments Warning System: It is Saturday, 15 June. Your second quarter estimated tax payments are probably due on Monday, 17 June. Do them right now so you don't forget them!
Left Coalition now has platform. Includes: —rollback Macron retirement reform & cuts to unemployment benefits —↑ min wage —↑ daycare spots —repeal Macron immigration restrictions —bring back wealth tax & exit tax —carbon neutrality plan —200K public housing/year more:
JUST IN: France's 4 leading left parties just announced finalizing a coalition agreement. Joint statement confirms formation of "New Popular Front," labeled after left's historic 1936 win. (Reportedly, Macron's expectation that left couldn't ally was factor in snap elections.)
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
This will cover 75% of the USA population of approximately 330 million. We are not prepared for what we have set in motion and keep fueling.
Every tenth of a degree of warming matters. We decide how much worse anthropogenic global warming gets. We decide how we mitigate & respond to the catastrophes baked in. This requires so much including regaining control over our ruling political & economic elite.
Heatwave expected to spread to 250m Americans in midwest and Scorching temperatures have already swept south-east where Florida is now grappling with severe flooding
Always a great visual for this problem. I use it to teach Human Factors to Psychology undergraduates.
me: i need to be normal also me: if their teeth work like straws and we assume a fully developed laminar flow, assume the twin straw teeth have a diameter of 2mm and the victim had 1.5 gallons of blood, with bp at 140/90+, we can begin to calculate the flow rate of vampi
Please do not contribute to the fucking suck of Aaron's job by falling into the trap of believing that he is the sole person who sets the policy he is executing or that failure to act on an issue yet means that the issue will never be decided.
Okay. I am probably going to regret wading into this again, but The Discourse about child protection issues on Bluesky has escalated to the point where people are making extremely serious accusations against the head of Bluesky T&S, and y'all need to stop. It is unhinged QAnon batshittery.
it is just the truth that the biden administration did one historically good push for vaccines, wiped its hands cleans of any further responsibility, and then systematically dismantled the entire public health apparatus to the point where it's WORSE THAN IT WAS BEFORE
"Expand public transit and make it free? And who's gonna pay for that?" Me you fucking goofy bastard. I pay taxes. give me healthcare instead of buying another 700,000 tear gas canisters for the police to spray on my friends.
If the Israelis want to punish the United Nations for releasing reports on Israel's repeat violations of international humanitarian law, and if the Israelis illegally try to prevent UN officials from entering occupied Palestine, then the UN should move to suspend Israel's membership in the body.
Israeli cabinet discusses punitive measures against UN Months of tensions boil over after UN chief adds Israeli military to blacklist for failing to protect children in conflict
Literally a Jewish Israeli expert on genocides being hired to head an institute on genocide thinks this is a genocide and the response is to...not hire him
The University of Minnesota has paused the hiring of Israeli scholar Raz Segal to head the institution’s Holocaust and Genocide school over his principled position that Israel is perpetrating a genocide. Truly reprehensible.
lol whoops. Too many hard power cycles on the display TV!
I suspect this compulsion to reduce the issue down to Muslims is part of this perception of the conflict as religious but it is not that religious at all. Palestinian nationalism is a largely secular project historically and, notably, so was Zionism up until recently.
People in the political press and on here/Twitter still don't really get that Palestine is not a "Muslim American" electoral issue but an Arab American issue. The most influential and wealthy Arabs in the Western diaspore are Christians who care just as much about Palestine as their Muslim sisters.
whenever I accidentally open threads from instagram it looks like the fake social media app they put into a city builder. "Wow, I love the mayor's new policy!" sims-ass website
(guy who is actually thinking of micromachines whenever he sees the word "microplastics") wow i didnt think they made that many.
2023 COVID deaths were higher than if we’d reintroduced polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles & mumps combined. 75k vs 43k, adjusted for population. This is bc of CASE load. Other viruses are deadlier, but none reinfect like Covid. Read:
COVID lulls aren't being earned by policy; they're being bought with infections and Celebrating a COVID lull years into the Biden Administration's utter abandonment is woefully out of touch with the science
Yall need to understand that a SMALL percentage of a LARGE number is still a LARGE number. Rn most ppl are getting covid 1-2 times a year. No other virus does that. Most ppl get flu 1-2x per DECADE. And EVERY infection causes damage. Heart, organ, brain. This is unsustainable