Aunt Chalupa

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Aunt Chalupa

Hockey ⚡️ | #1 🐮💩 fan | Iced Coffees | Geriatric Millennial | Pop Culture Nerd | Bad Opinions | 🇲🇽 | Tampa 📍
At this point we’re now going to go on 3 weeks of waiting on my FIL to be cremated and still no death certificate either. Thanks to the great state of Florida. 😑 She’s literally running out of money because we can’t transfer some accounts over to her. And his death triggered pauses in payments.
“Your vote doesn’t matter” Ok but I had to help do a recount for a district race that came down to a difference of 10 votes once. The amount of squabbling and procedure over every ballot the machine kicked back out seemed like it mattered. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’m willing to admit that What’s Eating Gilbert Seagrape may be out of control. And I just had him trimmed a few weeks ago.
Scripps lands the Panthers broadcast. And now I need more deals announced. Because more are definitely coming.
Honestly I am so goddamn angry
Is there anything more southern than a place that asks if you want gravy on your rice? Also… yes. Always yes. Hit me with the gravy Miss Mable.
Made it back home just in time 😮‍💨 *for the record this place is family owned. They go on a giant family vacation. And they pay their staff for the entire time they’re gone. So literally the entire restaurant goes on vacation. The cooks and servers can relax or pick up part time work.
Sweet Jesus I’ve got a 3rd knocked up dessert rose. What am I even supposed to do with all these seeds!? 😭🌱
Ok but can we go to local news? You’re fucking up my commercials and making more work for me tomorrow.
Jesus Christ if they go to the Hard Rock, I’m calling my uncle to see if they wind up at his club. 😂
If the Cats win they’re gonna dip Chuckie’s chewed up mouth guard in bronze and display it at the Bahama Breeze next door
Battle of the Evan’s to be the 1st on the cup. Dear god they’re both all over the place tonight.
I just really can’t believe the panthers won 3 and then were like
Them playing la bamba is still so weird to me. That many white people singing along in Spanish is… something
Panthers you goddamn frauds what are you even doing 😂
My 2 BIL’s are staying across the street from my MIL. I guess a neighbor was too chicken shit to ask her themselves, so they knocked on the boys door this morning. Said they heard their dad died, that’s so sad, etc. - “was he vaxxed?” It got ugly, the neighbor ran away. Fucking Florida 🤦🏽‍♀️
Yesterday my husband called me while on his work trip in Daytona. Long story short his dad was rushed to the ER, his mom was alone, I was the closest. He passed away as I got to the hospital. She was a wreck and in total shock. It was one of the hardest days of my life keeping it together for her.
I am having the worst fucking day so come at me bro I’m eating the last goddamn piece of tiramisu and crying my eyes out
The dogs forced to listen to me sing along with Less Than Jake and MxPx as I figure out what commercials aired over the weekend in a different state
2000’s alt rock mood for work today. Goddamnit does Audioslave still hit so hard. 🎶
2000’s alt rock mood for work today. Goddamnit does Audioslave still hit so hard. 🎶
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Chalupa
This was the view when I looked up today on NYC. Great theater weekend and then a momentous vision of mirroring sky and skyscraper
Love that these are growing like horns and make the yard a tad bit evil 😈
Now up to 3 kids that have wished my husband a happy Father’s Day and bought him gifts. We have no children 😂 Apparently we’re running a home for wayward teens, but at least they’re appreciative 🙃
Taking an edible to finish out this game because it’s legitimately hilarious. Edmonton - WOOF!
The damn seed pod is almost as big as the plant now 😵‍💫
Hello breakfast blend. I’ve missed you dearly. ☕️
Is it too cold in October to visit the PNW? Trying to plan a trip with friends for next year and wanted to go to a Kraken game if we can swing it. But also we’re all Floridians and not looking to freeze. We want to visit national parks etc.
Let’s see - a band I don’t know, a band I had lunch with and did an Easter egg hunt with, and a band I got into a fight with over Heinekens. Ok I might buy a ticket.