
Just a trio of free speech absolutists brainstorming whether they can manufacture a way to lock up my colleagues over reporting the richest man on the planet admits is accurate but caused him grief, good times.
still using twitter at this point makes me feel complicit with this
I did it gradually— 1 No original posts (just replies) except in special cases 2 No original posts (just replies) 3 No replies (just "likes") 4 Look, don't like. 5 Stop logging in. I'm at 4-5. The brilliant Jim Wright is just about the only reason I still check in, and even he is cutting back.
PS: The char limit didn't let me say -- that's Jim Wright of here on BlueSky, and hey, look! He's on BlueSky, too! (And Facebook, and Instagram, and his own website Stonekettle Station…) Come for the nature photography, stay for the commentary.
Thanks, didn’t know he was here (happy dance ensues)
Yup. Which is helpful when I want to reply to him on Twitter - I just do a screenshot and do it here.
And... Stonekettle is gone from Twitter now, too. He's on Bluesky and Threads, and Instagram and his own blog (Stonekettle Station). That Elon, such a Super Genius.
You forgot... 5 Deactivate account 6 Stay strong for 30 days and do not re-activate I'm currently at step 5.06
Oh, I'm never voluntarily deactivating my account. I'm doing one interaction per month. I'm not by any means famous and it's not like anyone would be eager to use my screen name, but I use the same name here and I'll be damned if I take the chance of someone confusing me with a dirtbag on X.
Might be a good idea. However, keeping the account could be too tempting from time to time. Also, since Elmo overtook it, I want to see twitter go down like a Starship booster - which in may case means one account less.
I am one account less as of 3 minutes ago. Feels good.
I just hit step 6. It was hard.
Delete the app and look for DMs once a week on desktop
I’m at about 3.25. Thanks for the scale so I can quantify my progress.
Plz get Jim Wright over here. I miss him.
He's here, just not very much (tech issues at his end).
He’s already here under the usual name
If you find yourself stuck at 4 like me, it helped to send a death threat to a state politician and get banned, removing myself from the decision making process. I regret nothing