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Principal engineer for NASA Gateway Mission Design 🛰️🌕. he/him. 27+ only 🔞
The nationalist trend is international and so is the rejection of them. Take heart in the results of UK and France elections. Get aggressive, 4th quarter or extra time mindset, pick your sport analogy. Hope and work
90% into The Dispossessed and am meeting the terran ambassador, good stuff
When the continental revolutionary guard secures New York City, they will melt the crown of Lady Liberty into a guillotine
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
We have the technology but not the will to revolutionize education with pre existing methods, no AI required. We should be dismantling barriers to access and eschewing the 4 year boarding school orthodoxy. College should be like karate class: many levels, ubiquitous to find, fun for all ages.
Sports betting secrets of the Bene Gesserit
Everyone is asking: will Taylor Swift show up for OTAs and training camp? Should a veteran like her have to?
skulls for the skull nanny
I think the best way to replace biden at the top of the ticket would be to do what tupac did
we all know+love Baumols price disease but I think there is also a nascent inverse disease whereby people pay less or zero for a thing due to adjacent market/tech movements/trends. Obvious examples are music and journalism. No one wants to pay for those anymore! What's that called? Can I have it?
In Independence Day (1996) Will Smith punches out an alien that they drag back to Area 51, where we learn the alien is actually inside this biosuit thing (when he "kills" Brent Spiner). Therefore Will Smith punched that alien out through his helmet.
Visiting Usa Orbital for a few weeks to change genders twice while I wait for the GSV goonertown to come by and pick me up on the way to destroy a civilization because they're annoying.
IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE bless the Maker and His water bless the coming and going of Him may His passage cleanse the world
Reposted byAvatar clärk
I have been practicing all morning in case I get the call. I've been watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit and have been pausing it to insert myself into the dialogue. I did one push up on different floors (tile, wood, carpet, grass). I'm currently mixing vinegar and baking soda in my mouth. I'm so ready
I am willing, if called upon, to take the role as democratic presidential candidate. I am able to stay awake past 9pm. My bowels are regular. I blink both eyes at the same time usually. My skin is mostly normal. I had laser eye surgery. I have all my original teeth. I have hip arthritis. I'm ready
So glad we invented the supreme court so things like this will never happen again
probably naive but I recall Brexit vote was June 2016 and kind of foreshadowed Trump in November.
hey everybody remember to share #GoodNews too
it's really a testament to American can-do attitude and ingenuity that we fought on the correct side and won WWII despite the New York Times
hi NASA here she's absolutely right, the Earth is an oblate spheroid with varying internal density. The GRACE mission utilized two spacecraft with relative laser ranging to get a highly accurate map of the Earth's gravity field. 🔭🧪🌎
round earther
GRACE global gravity animation – GRACE This visualization of a gravity model was created with data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and shows variations in Earth’s gravity field.
I take heart that German national socialism, if defined by chancellorship to destruction, was 12 years total. Did our clock start yet?
Everything sucks and the world is ending but my 8yo just put my 4yo to sleep by reading to him and he's so proud he could explode
A motorized set of baffles that attract wasps to build nests within and once per day contracts and crushes everything inside
regret to inform that I have returned to playing starsector
One reason I am not vegan is that I resent farm animals being freed from labor while I continue to toil in alienation for capitalists. I also believe animals should be allowed to vote:
I firmly believe that any animal that can show up and figure out how to mark a ballot should have their vote legally counted
I know it's weak shit to claim "misandry" but the assertion "100 women could write a compendium on men's kink in an afternoon" is straight hateful, for no reason! What epiphany flows from this assertion? Men are dumb because their kinks are simple? Getting off easily is a Feature, dummy
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Thermometer is upside down
What does a president do anyway
I have been practicing all morning in case I get the call. I've been watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit and have been pausing it to insert myself into the dialogue. I did one push up on different floors (tile, wood, carpet, grass). I'm currently mixing vinegar and baking soda in my mouth. I'm so ready
Reposted byAvatar clärk
I've volunteered for political campaigns for literally 40 years. And one thing that's always helped when things look bleak is the knowledge that there is ALWAYS something practical you can do to help make things better -- whether through electoral politics or other kinds of service. For example...
I have been practicing all morning in case I get the call. I've been watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit and have been pausing it to insert myself into the dialogue. I did one push up on different floors (tile, wood, carpet, grass). I'm currently mixing vinegar and baking soda in my mouth. I'm so ready
I am willing, if called upon, to take the role as democratic presidential candidate. I am able to stay awake past 9pm. My bowels are regular. I blink both eyes at the same time usually. My skin is mostly normal. I had laser eye surgery. I have all my original teeth. I have hip arthritis. I'm ready
I am willing, if called upon, to take the role as democratic presidential candidate. I am able to stay awake past 9pm. My bowels are regular. I blink both eyes at the same time usually. My skin is mostly normal. I had laser eye surgery. I have all my original teeth. I have hip arthritis. I'm ready
Is there a single video of the Tesla robot doing anything
One week until vacation can't wait!! 🏝️🍹🦩🏊