Alexander S. Vindman

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Alexander S. Vindman

Dad. Spouse to @natsechobbyist. Vet. NYT Best-selling Author. Ex NSC/WH Staff. Senior Advisor @votevets. Dr. & Senior Fellow, FPI SAIS, JHU. Hauser Leader, HKS.
On April 8th, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly declared that the Ukrainian government was “Attacking Christians” and that the Russian government was defending Christianity. Marjorie, what planet are you on?
Marjorie, What Planet Are You On? MTG Views Putin's Invasion as a Holy War On April 8th, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly declared that the Ukrainian government was “Attacking Christians ” and that the Russian government...
Biden @POTUS is doing great. Definitely rallying his supporters. He’s sharp and smart. Settled into this speech. Doing some great call and response. Really strong showing as he continues.
Republicans @GOP @HouseGOP , muster the courage of the Russians protesting Putin. They face real danger. Standup to wannabe tyrant @realDonaldTrump . Standing up to Trump comes with far less consequences.
For 2 years Putin has repressed the Russian population & suppressed descent. He thought the population was cowed & he was free to assassinate @navalny not worried about protests. Putin was wrong. Thousand of Russians overcame fears to honor Navalny. That must make Putin nervous!
“After the death of Alexei Navalny, I lost hope [about a better future] for some time. But as Navalny said, we should not give up,” one Muscovite said. “This should be the motto we must live with in modern Russia — hope never dies.”
‘We Are With You’: Mourners Chant Navalny's Name as Kremlin Critic Is Laid to Thousands of mourners gathered in Moscow on Friday to say goodbye to the late opposition figure Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin’s most prominent critic. “I glanced back and found myself unable to see wher...
Russia Attacks: Consequences of Political Demagoguery and Irrelevant Redlines The dangers of a Russian attack on NATO and US forces is real. Russia is already signaling another land grab in Moldova that is likely to significantly increase the risk of Russia NATO confrontation.
Russia Attacks: Consequences of Political Demagoguery and Irrelevant Redlines The dangers of a Russian attack on NATO and US forces is real. Russia is already signaling another land grab in Moldova that is likely to significantly increase the risk of Russia NATO confrontation.
A recent Pew poll found that nearly 75% of Americans say the war in Ukraine is vital to US Security, & 60% of Americans say the war in Ukraine is important to them personally. A new Quinnipiac poll showed nearly 60% also want to continue to send aid to Ukraine, fend-off Putin.
When caught lying @foxnews and the @gop doubles-down, denies, denies, and deflects. Just like that Shaggy song, Wasn’t Me.
After discovering the @HouseGOP have been serving Russian intelligence services as unwitting agents (maybe witting), self-preservation would seem to demand @SpeakerJohnson recall the House to pass Ukraine aid.
Some candidates run a campaign on messages of hope and a bright future for America. Others hate the United States and run on claims of America’s decline. You pick.
This is the country that Tucker Carlson is claiming is better and more democratic than the US. One where dissidents are poisoned in attempted murders, then arrested on trumped up charges, then die in work camps north of the Arctic Circle. (1/)
Russian activist and Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in Opposition leader, 47, was being held in jail about 40 miles north of Arctic Circle
Another Russian opposition leader murdered by Putin. Is there any doubt Navalny was murdered? Putin murdered him because he finally feels comfortable doing so. Because Trump is inviting attacks on NATO, Tucker Carlson is cheering Putin, the GOP is blocking aid to Ukraine, so time to kill Navalny.
Trump’s @realDonaldTrump inviting Russia to attack our allies may break the NATO alliance and poses a grave danger to the United States. A bedrock of defense is deterrence, that is warning-off attack. Trump just signal that Russia can attack NATO with no consequences.
We have all heard censors bleep cursing on TV, it’s deemed harmful. This action however is not considered an infringement on 1st Amendment rights. However @FoxNews spewing endless lies that undermine democracy with impunity is considered censorship?
Look @SpeakerJohnson can either bring the Senate’s bipartisan National Security bill to a House vote or get embarrassed when he is rolled when a few Republicans joining the @HouseDemocrats , forcing a discharge petition. Johnson, save face and let the House vote!
🚨🚨Ukraine can’t wait! We need House Democrats to UNITE and sign a discharge petition to put Ukraine aid on the House floor NOW. Click here to call your Representative:
🚨🚨These Representatives have demonstrated an ability place country over party. Contact them and urge them to pass the bipartisan Ukraine aid bill. Reps. Mike Gallagher (WI-8) ☎️202-225-5665 Ken Buck (CO-4) ☎️202-225-4676 Tom McClintock (CA-5). ☎️202-225-2511
The Republican chaos may seem fitting as they’ve gone down the road of extremism. But the cost of their disfunction is exceptionally high, imperiling national security. A small group of Republicans need to muster their courage and work with Dems to pass a budget and fund allies Israel and Ukraine.
A new wave of suffering is coming to Gazans. Precipitated by Hamas’s barbarous attack on Israeli civilians, the IDF will conduct a ground war to effect regime change. The only real option to avoid civilian casualties is for Hamas to capitulate. Governments should focus on that.